In this article:
Disaggregated and Aggregated Data Drilldown and Drillup
To get more detailed or general information about data, use data drilldown or drillup. There are drilldown and drillup of aggregated and disaggregated data:
Disaggregated and aggregated data drilldown and drillup. It is available for all cube dimensions. One should set up data source.
Data drilldown based on an SQL query. It is available only for cube fact dimension. One should set up data source.
Drilldown of server aggregated data. It is available only for cube fact dimension. One should set up data source.
NOTE. Aggregation is the procedure of aggregating data from several elements in one. When aggregated data is used, drilldown enables the user to view dimension elements and relational data used for aggregated data.
Data drilldown and drillup are available in the Analytical Queries (OLAP), Dashboards and Reports tools.
Drilldown is unavailable if the selected data area range contains:
Cells from different sources.
Cells with totals.
The Other cells that appear on data distribution.
Data drilldown and drillup is an operation that enables the use of navigating data levels: from general to particular ones and vice versa. Available drilldown depth is determined by the hierarchy of the data source dimensions. To drill down aggregated fixed dimensions one can view elements used for data aggregation.
During data drilldown or drillup, parent or child elements of corresponding dimension level are selected.
To display the source selection specified on the Selection side panel tab, for example, using controls, select the Go Back to Original State item in the table cell's context menu after applying data drilldown/drillup.
If data drilldown/drillup is executed several times, and dimension selection has been changed during one of the iterations, selecting the Go Back to Original State item and executing data drilldown/drillup displays not the source selection but the last set selection.
If data drilldown/drillup has been resulted in the level without data, one should select the Go Back to Original State item in the table cell's context menu.
NOTE. The Go Back to Original state item is available in the Analytical Queries (OLAP), Dashboards tools when selection is changed and then data is drilled down/drilled up. If data drilldown/drillup is not executed after selection change, the item will be unavailable.
Drilldown is available for hierarchical elements of data source that have child elements.
Hyperlinks are available if the Hyperlinks as Plain Text checkbox is deselected on the Parameters side panel tab.
NOTE. If dimension detailing is set up, the set action will occur on clicking the hyperlink.
After drilldown, you move to the more detailed level of dictionary hierarchy. The selection is rebuilt: all child elements of more detailed dimension level are included.
To drill down data by dimension elements:
Click the hyperlink in dimension element name in the table sidehead or heading.
Select the table sidehead or heading cells, which data should be drilled down, and select the Drill Down context menu item.
Example of drilldown and drillup by dimension element
To drill down data by elements of several dimensions:
Select the Drill Down item in the context menu of the selected table cells.
NOTE. In the Dashboards tool the item is named Table > Drill Down.
Click the hyperlink in the cell while holding down the CTRL key. It is available for the cell.
Drilldown will be executed by all dimensions intersected in one cell if they have child elements. If one dimension have child elements, drilldown will be executed by this dimension.
Example of drilldown and drillup by elements of several dimensions
If fixed dimensions aggregation It is possible to execute drilldown by aggregated elements. As a result, fixed dimension becomes a dimension in rows, displaying all elements that are used to get aggregated data. To drill down the cells, which data was obtained by fixed dimensions aggregation:
Select the Drill Down item in the cells' context menu.
NOTE. In the Dashboards tool the item is named Table > Drill Down.
Select fixed dimension, which elements should be drilled down.
After executing the operation the dimension is moved to rows and contains elements used for cell range aggregation.
Example of drilldown and drillup of aggregated data
Drill up is available for hierarchical elements of data source that have parent elements.
To drill up data by all child dimensions:
In the table sidehead or heading click on the hyperlink with dimension element name while holding down the SHIFT key.
Select the Drill Up item in the table cell or cell range's context menu.
NOTE. In the Dashboards tool the item is named Table > Drill Up.
When drilling up by aggregated elements, dimension from rows goes to fixed one. In other dimensions, in rows and columns, selection will be changed according to selected cell or cell range, for which drill up was executed.
To drill up the cells, which data was obtained by fixed dimensions aggregation:
NOTE. In the Dashboards tool the item is named Table > Drill Up.
When cube fact aggregation is not set up, use SQL query-based drilldown. Drilldown is available if a query is selected in a cube, the query will be used to get source relational data. Main principles of work and restrictions will be the same as when server aggregation is set up for fact dimension.
If server aggregation of facts dimension is set up, it is possible to further drill down to relational data on the last hierarchy level. After the data is drilled down, the records are displayed from fact table, by which the cell value is formed as a flat table. The side panel displays the Source Fields additional dimension, which is located by columns and contains all fields from the fact table, including the fields that are not linked to cube dimensions.
To drill down the cells, which data was obtained by server aggregation of fact dimension, use the Drill Down item in the cells' context menu.
NOTE. In the Dashboards tool the items are named Table > Drill Down.
Constraints of analytical functions in the relational mode
When data is presented in relational format, data can be grouped by columns.
To group data, select the column and select the Group context menu item.
NOTE. In the Dashboards tool the item is named Table > Group.
To ungroup data, select the grouped column and select the Ungroup context menu item.
See also: