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System > System Assembly Interfaces > ICultureInfo



The ICultureInfo interface contains properties and method that enable the user to get information on regional parameters.


  Property name Brief description
The AbbreviatedDayName property returns the abbreviated name of a day of the week.
The AbbreviatedMonthName property returns the abbreviated name of a month.
The Country property returns the name of the country in English.
The Currency property returns the notation of a currency.
The DayName property returns the name of a day of the week.
The DecimalSeparator property returns the current decimal separator.
The DisplayName property returns the name of the culture using the following format: <language in full> (<country or region in full>) using the language of localized version of .NET Framework.
The EnglishName property returns the name of the culture in English using the following format: <language in full> (<country or region in full>.
The Language property returns the name of the culture's language in English.
The LCID property returns identifier of the current language and regional standard settings.
The LocalizedCountry property returns the name of country or region of the culture using the language of the localized version of .NET Framework.
The LocalizedLanguage property returns the name of the culture's language using the language of the localized version of .NET Framework.
The LongDateFormat property returns full date format taking into account regional parameter settings.
The MonthName property returns the name of the month.
The Name property returns the name of a culture in an abbreviated form.
The NativeCountry property returns the name of the culture's country or region in the language set for this country.
The NativeLanguage property returns the name of the culture language in the language set for this culture.
The NativeName property returns culture name using the following format: <language in full> (<country or region in full>) in the language set for this culture.
The ShortDateFormat property returns short format of date taking into account regional parameter settings.
The ThousandSeparator property returns the current thousands separator.
The ThreeLetterISOLanguageName property returns the three-letter ISO 639-2 language code.
The ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName property returns the three-letter language code in the Windows API format.
The TwoLetterISOLanguageName property returns the two-letter ISO 639-1 language code.


  Method name Brief description
FormatCurrency The FormatCurrency method converts the specified value of the currency type into the string type according to regional standard settings.
FormatDate The FormatDate method converts the specified date value into string type according to regional standard settings.
FormatDateEx The FormatDateEx method converts the specified date value into string type according to regional standard settings.
FormatDateTime The FormatDateTime method converts the specified date and time value into the string type according to regional standard settings.
FormatDecimal The FormatDecimal method converts decimal value into string type according to regional standard settings.
FormatDouble The FormatDouble method converts real value into string type according to regional standard settings.
FormatDoublePrec The FormatDoublePrec method rounds real value to specified accuracy and converts it into string type according to regional standard settings.
FormatDoubleWithGroupingSeparator The FormatDoubleWithGroupingSeparator method converts real value into string type according to regional standard settings and dividing it into digit groups.
FormatInteger The FormatInteger method converts integer values into string type according to regional standard settings.
FormatLongDate The FormatLongDate method converts the specified date value into string type in full format and according to regional standard settings.
FormatNumber The FormatNumber method converts the specified numeric value into string type according to the specified format.
FormatShortDate The FormatShortDate method converts the specified date value into string type in short format and according to regional standard settings.
FormatTime The FormatTime method converts the specified date value into string type according to regional standard settings.
FormatTimeEx The FormatTimeEx method converts the specified time value into string type according to the specified format and taking into account regional standard settings.
FormatVariant The FormatVariant method converts the specified value into string type according to regional standard settings.
IsDouble The IsDouble method returns whether it is possible to convert into real number according to the current regional parameters settings.
IsInteger The IsInteger method returns whether it is possible to convert into integer number according to the current regional parameters settings.
ParseCurrency The ParseCurrency method converts the specified value into the currency type according to regional standard settings.
ParseDate The ParseDate method converts the specified value into date according to regional standard settings.
ParseDateEx The ParseDateEx method converts the specified value with the selected format into date according to regional standard settings.
ParseDateTime The ParseDateTime method converts the specified string value and gets date and time from it.
ParseDecimal The ParseDecimal method converts the specified value into decimal type according to regional standard settings.
ParseDouble The ParseDouble method converts the specified value into real type according to regional standard settings.
ParseInteger The ParseInteger method converts the specified value into the integer type according to regional standard settings.
ParseTime The ParseTime method converts the specified string value and gets time component from it.
TryParseCurrency The TryParseCurrency method checks if the specified value can be converted into the currency type according to regional standard settings.
TryParseDate The TryParseDate method checks if the specified value can be converted into date format according to regional standard settings.
TryParseDateTime The TryParseDateTime method checks if it is possible to convert the specified value into date format with time according to regional standard settings.
TryParseDecimal The TryParseDecimal method checks if the specified value can be converted into decimal type according to regional standard settings.
TryParseDouble The TryParseDouble method checks if the specified value can be converted into the real type according to regional standard settings.
TryParseInteger The TryParseInteger method checks if the specified value can be converted into the integer type according to regional standard settings.
TryParseTime The TryParseTime method checks if it is possible to convert the specified value into time format according to regional standard settings.

See also:

System Assembly Interfaces