System > System Assembly Interfaces > ICultureInfo > ICultureInfo.TryParseDateTime
TryParseDateTime(Value: String; Var: Result: DateTime): Boolean;
Value. Value converted into date with time type.
Result. Variable containing result in case of successful conversion.
The TryParseDateTime method checks if the specified value can be converted into date with time format according to regional standard settings.
If conversion is possible, the Result variable will contain the conversion result and the method returns True, otherwise False.
Sub UserProc;
CI: ICultureInfo;
Dt: DateTime;
B: Boolean;
CI := CultureInfo.Current;
B := CI.TryParseDateTime("25.07.2007 12:12:12", Dt);
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example the "D" variable will contain the date and time "25.07.2007 12:12:12", and the "B" variable will contain the attribute of a successful conversion.
See also: