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System > System Assembly Interfaces

System Assembly Interfaces

  Interface Brief description
The IAccessViolationException interface contains properties of the exception occurring during calling an non-existing object.
The IArgumentException interface contains properties of the exception, occurring when one of the arguments, passed to the property (method), is unavailable.
The IArgumentNullException interface contains properties of the exception occurring during an attempt to pass the Null value to a property (method), which does not accept it as an allowed value.
The IArgumentOutOfRangeException interface contains properties of the exception occurring when the value of one of the arguments passed to a property (method) is out of boundaries of an allowed range.
The IArithmeticException interface contains properties of the exception occurring during execution of some arithmetic actions, as well as operations of conversion and transformation.
The IBindingCheckBox interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the value editor Checkbox.
The IBindingComboBox interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the value editor Combobox.
The IBindingDateTimePicker interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the value editor Date/Time editor.
The IBindingDecimalEdit interfaces contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the value editor Input Box of high accuracy real values.
The IBindingDecimalSlider interface is used to set up parameters of value editor as a decimal values slider.
The IBindingDimCombo interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the Drop-Down Dictionary List value editor type.
The IBindingEditBox interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the value editor String values input box.
The IBindingFloatEdit interface contains properties to determine parameters of the value editor Real value input box.
The IBindingFloatSlider interface is used to set up parameters of value editor as a real values slider.
The IBindingIdentEdit interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the value editor Input Box of identifiers.
The IBindingIntegerEdit interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the value editor Input Box of integer values.
The IBindingIntegerSlider interface is used to set up parameters of value editor as a slider for integer values.


The IBindingManager interface contains methods that are used to initialize settings of value editors.
The IBindingMaskEdit interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the value editor - Input Boxes of string values by mask.
The IBindingObjectParamValues interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine the list of parameters for parametric dictionary.
The IBindingSlider interface is used to work with general parameters in value editor as a slider
The IBindingString interface contains properties that are used to determines basic parameters of editors that change values by inputting or selecting any text.
The IBindingTreeCombo interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the value editor - Combo Tree.
The IBindingValue interface contains properties that are used to determine basic parameters of value editors.
The ICultureInfo interface contains properties and methods, which allow to get information about regional parameters.
The ICultureInfoClass interface contains properties returning regional settings for different cultures.
The IDataAreaHeaderSettingsBase interface contains basic properties of different titles in analytical data area.
The IDataAreaHeaderStyleSettingsBase interface contains basic properties of title formatting styles in data area.
The IDataAreaTransformationsGetter interface is used to work with the object, which gets collections of data transformation formulas.
The IBroadcast interface contains methods that enable the user to implement message exchange between desktop and web applications.
The IBroadcastEventArgs interface contains properties of the arguments sent together with the IBroadcast message.
The IBroadcastEventHandler interface contains methods of the object that gets messages.
The IDebug interface contains static properties and methods of the Debug class used to display debug information.
The IDebugListener interface contains basic methods that are used to output debugging information.
The IDebugListeners interface contains methods that are used to work with the collection of elements that are used to track debugging information.
The IDivideByZeroException interface contains properties of the exception occurring during overflowing because of division by zero.
The IException interface contains basic properties describing an exception, which can occur during working with the platform.
The IExpression interface contains properties that are used to work with an expression, by which some values are calculated.
The IExpressionCategory interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with substitution category.
The IExpressionErrorInfo interface contains properties that are used to get information on errors that occur when parsing an incorrect expression.
The IExpressionStringHandler interface contains methods implementing events that occur on converting expression elements.
The IExpressionSubstitution interface contains properties of the substitution that are used to create expressions.
The IExpressionSubstitutions interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of substitution categories.
The IForeGarbageCollector interface contains methods that are used to control garbage collector.
The IGuidGenerator interface contains methods that are used to generate a global unique identifier (GUID).
The IIndexOutOfRangeException interface contains properties of the exception occurring during calling an array element with an index outside of the array boundaries.
The IIOStreamSys interface is basic for streams available in the platform.
The ILock interface contains properties and methods that are used to control locking.
The IMatrixModel interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a matrix structure.
The IMatrixModelCoord interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the matrix coordinates.
The IMatrixModelFactory interface helps create a matrix structure
The IMatrixModelFixInfo interface contains properties and methods that are used to fix changes within the matrix.
The IMatrixModelIterator interface contains basic properties and methods of the matrix iterator.
The IMatrixModelSwapInfo interface contains properties and methods that are required to rearrange matrix dimensions.
The INamedEntityModel interface contains basic properties of repository objects.
The INotFiniteNumberException interface contains properties of the exception occurring when, as a result of some actions, the output value is positive infinity, negative infinity or is not a number (NaN).
The IOleException interface contains properties of the exception occurring during working with OLE objects.
The IOverflowException interface contains properties of the exception, occurring during an inner buffer overflow.
The IRuntimeInterop interface contains static properties of RuntimeInterop class used to get information on Platform errors.
The IRWMutex interface contains properties and methods that are used to control mutex.
The IStackOverflowException interface contains properties of the exception, occurring during stack overflow.
The ISysEventLog interface is used to create records in Windows event log.
The ISysSettings interface contains properties and methods of the SysSettings class object.
The ISysSettingsKey interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a separate element of the Settings.xmlsettings file.
The ITask interface contains basic methods and properties that are used to work with tasks.
The ITaskAction interface contains a method that enables the user to implement an action executed when a task is started.
The ITextConverter interface contains methods for converting text into various formats.
The IUndoRedo interface is used to work with Undo/Redo stack.
The IUndoRedoGroupState interface contains properties of the group action stored in Undo/Redo stack.
The IUndoRedoState interface is used to work with states of actions stored in Undo/Redo stack.
The IViewerUpdateSettings interface is used to set up report autoupdate parameters.
The IWin32Exception interface contains properties of the exception occurring during working of Windows API functions.

See also:

System Assembly Enumerations | System Assembly Classes