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Installing and Setting Up Foresight Analytics Platform > System Settings of Foresight Analytics Platform > The Settings.xml Configuration File


Availability of the settings file is checked on starting a BI server or security server. The system searches for this file in the following folders:

NOTE. On setting up the security server the settings file must be located in the security server folder.

Settings stored in the file are identical to those stored in the registry. The file stores these settings as an XML structure, where nodes' names correspond to the names of registry subsections, and attribute values correspond to parameter values.

Example of a settings file:

All settings are specified within separate nodes <Key ...></Key>, which, in turn, are child nodes for the nodes <Configuration><Root>...</Root></Configuration>.



    <Key ...>


    <Key ...>




The System Section

The settings stored in the System registry key, are stored in the file as child nodes of the <Key Name="System"> node.


  <Key Name="PP">


      <Key Name="System">

        <Cert Alg="pro" Data="..." Id="SPCERT" Key="6E8E6325-496F-4177-BCEE-8A7859225C99" />

        <Session KeyIncr="0" LockSession="-2" RWLockSlim="-2" LockAd="-2" Sampling="On" SamplingStr="IsOn" Cache="1" Statable="Never" StoreBins="3" StoreBinSize="2M" SysLogMb="FPRepository" TimeoutSec="-1" />

        <StateServer Host="localhost" Port="-1" Type="MemCached" />

        <Pool MaxConnections="1" UserMaxConnections="0" Strategy="LRU" RetryCount = "20" RetryInterval = "2000">

          <Key Name="K1" Db="USER:FPRepository@FPServer" UserMaxConnections="1" />



          <Key Name="FPRepository" StatKeys="57637,150" />






See settings description in the System Registry Settings section.

The Service Section

The section with the Service key contains settings for addressing a remote BI server. All parameters are specified in child elements of the <Key Name="Service"> element, which in turn is a child of element of the <Root> element.


  <Key Name="Service">


      <Key Name="s0" address="http://localhost:9090/axis2/services/PP.SOM.Som"/>

      <Key Name="s1" address="http://localhost:9091/axis2/services/PP.SOM.Som"/>

      <Key Name="s2" address="http://localhost:9092/axis2/services/PP.SOM.Som"/>



      <Key Name="FPRepository1" endpoint="">


      <Key Name="FPRepository2" endpoint="s1">






See settings description in the System Registry Settings section.

The InMem Section

The settings stored in the InMem registry key are stored in the file as child nodes of the <Key Name="InMem"> node. For details see the In-Memory Data Caching section.


<Key Name="InMem">

<Key Name="UseInMem" Value="true"/>

<Key Name="DataDir" Value="C:\ProgramData\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\inmem_data\"/>

<Key Name="MemLimitMb" Value="6000"/>



See settings description in the System Registry Settings section.

Additional Subsections


  <Key Name="VirtualMemoryThreshold" Value="55"/>


See settings description in the System Registry Settings section.

See also:

System Settings of Foresight Analytics Platform | System Registry Settings