System > System Assembly Interfaces > ICultureInfo > ICultureInfo.DayName
DayName(DayIndex: Integer): String;
DayIndex. Index of the day of the week, which name is required to find, according to the selected culture.
Possible parameter values:
1 - Monday.
2 - Tuesday.
3 - Wednesday.
4 - Thursday.
5 - Friday.
6 - Saturday.
0, 7 - Sunday.
The DayName property returns the name of the day of the week, which index is passed as the DayIndex input parameter.
Sub UserProc;
CI: ICultureInfo;
CI := CultureInfo.UserDefault;
End Sub UserProc;
On executing the example the current culture determined in the operating system will be obtained. Name and the abbreviation of the first week day - Monday - are displayed in the development environment console in the culture language.
See also: