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System > System Assembly Interfaces > ICultureInfo > ICultureInfo.ParseDateEx



ParseDateEx(Value: String; Format: String): DateTime;


Value. Value converted into date type.

Format. Format, according to which the Value value is to be converted.

The format uses the following codes:

Code Description
d Day of month. One-figure day values shown with or without preceding zero.
dd Day of month. One-figure day values that must be shown with preceding zero.
ddd Abbreviated day names as Sun-Mon.
dddd Full weekday names as Sunday-Monday.
M Numeric month view. One-figure month values shown with or without preceding zero.
MM Numeric month view. One-figure month values that must be shown with preceding zero.
MMM Abbreviated month names are used, like Jan - Dec.
MMMM Full month names are used like January - December.
y Two-digit year. One-figure year values shown with or without preceding zero.
yy Two-digit year. One-figure year values that must be shown with preceding zero.
yyyy Four-digit year, including century.


The ParseDateEx method converts the specified value with determined format into date according to regional standard settings.


If the conversion is not possible, the exception is thrown.


Sub ParseDate;
    Format = "MMMM: dd-th day yyyy year  A. D.";
    ParseDate = "January: 21-st day 1981 year A. D.";
    c: ICultureInfo;
    d, d1, d2: DateTime;
    c := CultureInfo.Current;
    d := c.ParseDateEx(ParseDate, Format);
    d1 := c.ParseDateEx("21.1.1981""d.M.yyyy");
    d2 := c.ParseDateEx("21.01.1981""dd.MM.yyyy");
End Sub ParseDate;

After executing the example the "d", "d1", "d2" variables will contain the date 21.01.1981 obtained by conversion according to various custom formats.

See also:
