System > System Assembly Interfaces > ICultureInfo > ICultureInfo.ParseDateEx
ParseDateEx(Value: String; Format: String): DateTime;
Value. Value converted into date type.
Format. Format, according to which the Value value is to be converted.
The format uses the following codes:
Code | Description |
d | Day of month. One-figure day values shown with or without preceding zero. |
dd | Day of month. One-figure day values that must be shown with preceding zero. |
ddd | Abbreviated day names as Sun-Mon. |
dddd | Full weekday names as Sunday-Monday. |
M | Numeric month view. One-figure month values shown with or without preceding zero. |
MM | Numeric month view. One-figure month values that must be shown with preceding zero. |
MMM | Abbreviated month names are used, like Jan - Dec. |
MMMM | Full month names are used like January - December. |
y | Two-digit year. One-figure year values shown with or without preceding zero. |
yy | Two-digit year. One-figure year values that must be shown with preceding zero. |
yyyy | Four-digit year, including century. |
The ParseDateEx method converts the specified value with determined format into date according to regional standard settings.
If the conversion is not possible, the exception is thrown.
Sub ParseDate;
Format = "MMMM: dd-th day yyyy year A. D.";
ParseDate = "January: 21-st day 1981 year A. D.";
c: ICultureInfo;
d, d1, d2: DateTime;
c := CultureInfo.Current;
d := c.ParseDateEx(ParseDate, Format);
d1 := c.ParseDateEx("21.1.1981", "d.M.yyyy");
d2 := c.ParseDateEx("21.01.1981", "dd.MM.yyyy");
End Sub ParseDate;
After executing the example the "d", "d1", "d2" variables will contain the date 21.01.1981 obtained by conversion according to various custom formats.
See also: