Executing Subprocess Steps

Calling the Subprocess Call step with the selected Group Call parameter supposes that on executing the subprocess, several subprocess instances will be started according to the specified splitting parameters. Subprocesses can be started manually or automatically depending on step settings.

As an example, consider the case of the process with two nested subprocesses in manual mode:


To execute the Subprocess Call step, follow the steps:

  1. Start the process for execution.

  1. Select the subprocess Insurance Expense Budget - Collecting Legal Entities Data, Aggregation, and Approval at Holding Level with manual execution in the process tree or working area, and click the Finish button. To set group call parameters, open the Subprocess Call dialog box:

The values, for which subprocess will be started, are selected by default in the Start Parameters area. Values are selected according to the settings specified in the Subprocess Call step wizard.

  1. Click the Start N Processes button where N is the number of started process instances. As a result, subprocesses are started:

  1. Execute all steps of a single subprocess instance. After all the steps are executed, the finished subprocess instances are displayed in the monitoring window:

Thus, the monitoring window contains the process and subprocess instances with available for execution and finished steps.

NOTE. The finished subprocess instances are displayed in the process tree with all steps after its completion if the Show Finished Process Instances that are Subprocesses checkbox is selected on the Parameters page of the Parameters Setup and Business Process Management dialog box.

  1. Restart subprocess instances if required:

NOTE. Restarting of subprocess instances is possible only if the Show Finished Subprocess Instances that are Subprocesses checkbox is selected on the Parameters page of the Parameters Setup and Business Process Management dialog box.

After executing subprocess steps it is available to view the execution log.

See also:

Process Execution Monitoring | Executing Process Steps in Manual Mode | Rejecting Process Step | Process Stages/Steps Execution Log