To reject finished process step and come back to the previous step:
Execute one of the operations:
Click the Reject button in the Step group of the Process ribbon tab.
Select the Reject item in the step's context menu in the working area or in the process tree. This item is available only in the desktop application.
After executing one of the operations, the dialog box to confirm step rejection opens:
If required, in the Reject dialog box:
Select the Selective Subprocesses Rejection checkbox to change automatic execution of the Subprocess Call to manual execution. On changing the process execution method, it will be available to select subprocesses for restart in manual mode. When checkbox is deselected, the process step will be rejected to manual step with subprocesses of automatic step.
Enter comment in the Comment box to explain why process step was rejected.
Click the Reject button.
After executing the operations, the step will be rejected.
NOTE. The linked object enables the user to reject the step, in which data entry form is used.
See also:
Process Execution Monitoring | Executing Process Steps in Automatic Mode | Executing Process Steps in Manual Mode | Executing Subprocess Steps | Process Stages/Steps Execution Log