Data Entry and Approval in Business Processes

To execute process steps of data entry or approval, use:

If several data entry forms use data of the same authorization object, the result of step execution or rejection can be saved in all data entry forms if they were specified in the step wizard. Data entry and approval will be available in each of the specified data entry forms.

To add handlers for the Finish/Approve and the Reject buttons on the Home or Processes ribbon tabs, use the Parameters dialog box:

Entering and Approving Data On Using Process Tree

To display the panel and the tab, click the Process Tree button of the View ribbon tab.

The Processes panel contains the tree of processes, linked to data entry form:

To correctly display processes tree in data entry form selection by dimensions of authorization object must by fully contained in selection by dimensions of data entry form used in process step. The process tree displays only started steps of processes that are available for use in the specified data entry form. If form is not specified in the process step, the panel will be empty.

To close the panel, release the Process Tree button or click the button on the process panel.

Depending on the process settings, the following steps can be executed:

To set up and execute the step, select it on the Processes panel. When the step is selected, the table area that is linked to the step opens; if data source is on another sheet, the table area that is linked to the step opens on this sheet. When several steps are selected, there is no navigation.

To determine settings of process steps execution, use the Processes tab. The setup is available only in the desktop application.

Available operations:

If several steps were selected and then the Multiple Selection button was released, the first selected step remains selected.

At the Data Entry step:

    1. Enter data or edit it in the available range.

    2. Save data by clicking the Save Changes button on the Home ribbon tab.

NOTE. If data was entered or changed, the control was set up and the data did not pass the control, then on saving the information message will be displayed indicating that entered data is to be changed.

    1. Click the Finish button to finish the step and go to the next step.

If the Finish button is clicked without saving data, the user will be prompted to save it before finish the step:

NOTE. If data was entered or changed, the control was set up and the data did not pass the control, then after the step is finished the warning will be displayed indicating that changed data will not be saved because it does not respect the control settings. On accepting to continue without saving, changed data will be reset and the step finish dialog box opens. On canceling to continue operation without saving the changed data remains in table area.

Check if entered data is correct at the Approval step and click the Approve button if data is correct; otherwise click the Reject button. Table area at this process step is not refreshed, access permissions are refreshed only for the current step selection.

When the Finish/Approve button is clicked, the finished step disappears from the processes tree if only active steps are displayed. If all steps of available processes are displayed, the step becomes inactive and the icon defining step type changes color depending on step status.

The Reject button is used to return to the previous process step.

If the step(s) was(were) executed and there are no active steps in the process tree available for the user in this form, the step finish and reject buttons are not available.

Entering and Approving Data without Displaying Process Tree

To display the Finish/Approve buttons and the Reject button on the Home ribbon tab, select the Automatically Request Active Process Data checkbox.

If there are active steps for user with specified parameter values, if there are parameters on the current active sheet, then:

The example of the step of data entry without displaying process tree:

The example of the step of approval without displaying process tree:

When the approval is finished, follow the step, if required:

See also:

Building Data Entry Form | Working with Ready Forms