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ExtCtrls > ExtCtrls Assembly Interfaces

ExtCtrls Assembly Interfaces

Interfaces implementing properties, methods and events of components and objects connected with the development environment components.

  Interface Brief description
The IAttributeValueTreeListNode interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with values of an attribute in the time series database hierarchy of the MetaAttributesTreeList component.
The ICalcCubeFormulaEdit interface contains properties and methods of the CalcCubeFormulaEdit development environment component.
The IDataGrid interface contains properties and methods of the DataGrid development environment component.
The IDataGridBand interface contains properties and methods of bands of the DataGrid component.
The IDataGridBandBase interface contains basic properties and methods of the DataGrid component bands and columns.
The IDataGridbandBaseOptions interface contains additional properties of columns and bands of the DataGrid component.
The IDataGridBands interface contains properties and methods of the bands collection of the DataGrid component.
The IDataGridChildren interface contains properties of child objects, which parents belong to the DataGrid component.
The IDataGridColumn interface contains properties of column of the DataGrid component.
The IDataGridColumnHeaderStyle interface contains properties that determine parameters of band header formatting, or of the DataGrid component column.
The IDataGridColumns interface contains properties and methods of the collection of columns of the DataGrid component.
The IDataGridLookup interface contains properties for setting cell display when using dictionaries.
The IDataGridRootBands interface contains properties that are used to work with fixed bands of the DataGrid component.
The IDataGridRow interface contains properties and methods of the row of the DataGrid component.
The IDataGridRows interface contains properties and methods of the rows collection of the DataGrid component.
The IDataGridSelection interface contains properties and methods of the selection of selected rows of the DataGrid component.
The IDataGridStyle interface contains style properties from the styles collection of the DataGrid component.
The IDataGridStyles interface contains properties and methods of style collection of the DataGrid component.
The IDBComboBox interface contains properties and methods of the DBComboBox development environment component.
The IDBEditBox interface contains properties and methods of the DBEditBox development environment component.
The IDBListBox interface contains properties and methods of the DBListBox development environment component.
The IDBLookupComboBox interface contains properties and methods of the DBLookupComboBox development environment component.
The IDBLookupControl interface is a basic one for the DBLookupComboBox and the DBLookupListBox components.
The IDBLookupListBox interface contains properties and methods of of the DBLookupListBox development environment component.
The IDBMemo interface contains properties and methods of the DBMemo development environment component.
The IDimensionCombo interface contains properties and methods of the DimensionCombo development environment component.
The IDimensionTree interface contains properties and methods of the DimensionTree development environment component.
The IDimensionViewer interface is basic for the DimensionTree and DimensionCombo components.
The IDimensionViewerBase interface is used to work with a drop-down list of the MetaAttributesBreadcrumb component.
The IDimensionViewerColumn interface contains properties and methods of the columns of the DimensionTree and DimensionCombo components.
The IDimensionViewerColumns interface contains properties and methods used to work with the column collection of the DimensionCombo and DimensionTree components.
The IExpressionEdit interface contains properties and methods of the ExpressionEdit and ExpressionEditEx development environment component.
The IGlobalImageList interface contains properties and methods of the GlobalImageList development environment component.
The IMetaAttributeBreadcrumbItem interface contains properties and methods of the element of the MetaAttributesBreadcrumb component.
The IMetaAttributesBreadcrumb interface contains properties and methods of the MetaAttributesBreadcrumb development environment component.
The IMetaAttributesBreadcrumbDimTreePopupEventArgs interface is used to work with arguments of the OnDimTreePopup event that occurs on opening the list of the MetaAttributesBreadcrumb development environment component.
The IMetaAttributeParamItem interface contains properties of the parameter used in attributes that are displayed in the MetaAttributesBreadcrumb component.
The IMetaAttributeParamItems interface contains properties and methods that are used to operate with the collection of attribute parameters.
The IMetaAttributesEdit interface contains properties and methods of the MetaAttributesEdit development environment component.
The IMetaAttributeSetting interface contains properties and methods that are used to adjust attribute display.
The IMetaAttributeSettings interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of attribute parameters.
The IMetaAttributesTreeList interface contains properties and methods of the MetaAttributesTreeList development environment component.
The IMetaAttributesTreeListNode interface contains properties and methods of the MetaAttributesTreeList component element.
The IMetabaseDialog interface is basic and contains properties and methods of the MetabaseOpenDialog and MetabaseSaveDialog components.
The IMetabaseDialogAllFilter interface contains properties and methods of the filter that is used to display all the repository objects in the dialog box.
The IMetabaseDialogClassFilter interface contains properties and methods of the filter that can be used to display all the objects of the specified type in the dialog box.
The IMetabaseDialogCombiFilter interface contains properties and methods of the combined filter that includes other filter types.
The IMetabaseDialogFilter interface contains basic properties and methods of a repository objects filter.
The IMetabaseDialogFilters interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of the filters that are used to filter repository objects.
The IMetabaseDialogMetaclassFilter interface contains properties and methods of the filter that can be used to display objects of a particular class in the dialog box.
The IMetabaseListView interface contains properties and methods of the MetabaseListView component.
The IMetabaseListViewAfterSearchEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event occurring for the component if in the search dialog box all objects satisfying the specified conditions are searched.
The IMetabaseListViewItem interface contains properties and methods of the MetabaseListView component element.
The IMetabaseListViewItemPopupEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event occurring on calling the context menu for the component element.
The IMetabaseObjectDescriptorList interface contains properties that are used to work with the collection of object descriptions obtained as the result of work of the dialog box for opening or saving repository objects.
The IMetabaseObjectParamsBox interface contains properties and methods of the MetabaseObjectParamsBox development environment component.
The IMetabaseOpenDialog interface contains properties and methods of the MetabaseOpenDialog development environment component.
The IMetabaseSaveDialog interface contains properties and methods of the MetabaseSaveDialog development environment component.
The IMetabaseTreeCombo interface contains properties and methods of the MetabaseTreeCombo development environment component.
The IMetabaseTreeList interface contains properties and methods of the component of MetabaseTreeList development environment.
The IMetabaseTreeListNode interface contains properties and methods of the MetabaseTreeList and the MetabaseTreeCombo component node.
The ISearchDataSourcesBox interface contains properties and methods of the SearchDataSourcesBox development environment component.
The ISearchDataSourcesCalendarElement interface contains properties that are used to get information about indexed calendar dimension.
The ISearchDataSourcesCalendarsInfo interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of calendar dimensions used in the data source, and information about them is indexed.
The ISearchDataSourcesDimInfo interface contains properties that are used to get information about indexed dimension element.
The ISearchDataSourcesFreeDimElements interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of free dimension elements.
The ISearchDataSourcesFreeDimsInfo interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of free dimensions of data source.
The ISearchDataSourcesItem interface contains properties that are used to get element parameters with BI search results.
The ISearchDataSourcesItems interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of elements containing BI search results.
The ISearchDataSourcesSelectionInfo interface contains properties that are used to work with the collection of indexed dimension elements.
The ISearchDataSourcesSelectionInfoList interface contains properties that are used to work with the collection that stores information about selection of indexed dimensions.
The IUiDataSet interface contains basic properties and methods of the components that access the repository relational data sources.
The IUiDataSource interface contains properties and methods of the UiDataSource development environment component.
The IUiDimension interface contains properties and methods of the UiDimension development environment component.
The IUiField interface contains properties and methods of data source field.
The IUiFields interface contains properties and methods of the data source fields collection.
The IUiMemoryTable interface contains properties and methods of the UiMemoryTable development environment component.
The IUiMetabaseDataset interface contains properties and methods of the UiMetabaseDataset development environment component.
The IUiParam interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the UiQuery component parameter.
The IUiParams interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of the UiQuery component parameters.
The IUiQuery interface contains properties and methods of the UiQuery development environment component.
The IUiRdsDictionary interface contains properties and methods of the UiRdsDictionary development environment component.
The IUiTable interface contains properties and methods of the UiTable development environment component.

Interfaces that implement argument properties of various events of development environment components.

  Interface Brief description
The ICalcCubeFormulaEditEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs on creating a term that corresponds to the corresponding cube coordinate.
The IDataGridBandEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the events connected to any band of the DataGrid component.
The IDataGridBeforeCellChangeEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event before giving a new value to a cell.
The IDataGridCellAfterEditEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event after editing cell value.
The IDataGridCellBeforeEditEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event before editing a cell value.
The IDataGridCellChangeEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event after editing a cell value.
The IDataGridCellEventArgs interface contains basic properties of the events arguments that are bound to table cells.
The IDataGridCellStyleEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event after drawing a table cell.
The IDataGridColumnEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the events for any column of the DataGrid component.
The IDataGridCompareEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event of comparing column values within custom sorting of the DataGrid component.
The IDataGridColumnEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the events for any column of the DataGrid component.
The IDataGridRowStyleEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event after drawing a table row.
The IDataGridSelCellStyleEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event after drawing the selected table row.
The IDataGridSelRowStyleEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event after drawing the selected table row.
The IDimensionAllowActionEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the events before changing reflection of child elements of a tree node.
The IDimensionColumnEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event when a column headline of the DimensionCombo and DimensionTree components is clicked.
The IDimensionComboEventArgs interface contains basic properties of event argument of the DimensionCombo component.
The IDimensionComboRollUpEventArgs interface contains properties of the event argument that occurs when collapsing a drop-down list of the DimensionCombo component.
The IDimensionNodeCheckedEventArgs interface contains properties argument of the event that occurs after changing checkbox selection state of the DimensionCombo and the DimensionTree components element.
The IDimensionNodeCheckingEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event before changing the state of checkbox selection of the DimensionCombo and DimensionTree components.
The IDimensionNodeColumnEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the events for the tree elements within a component column.
The IDimensionNodeEventArgs interface contains basic argument properties of the events when working with tree elements of the DimensionCombo and DimensionTree components.
The IDimensionNodeGetImageEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event of receiving image for tree element of the DimensionCombo and DimensionTree components.
The IDimensionViewerCompareEventArgs interface contains properties of the event argument, that occurs during custom sorting of the DimensionCombo and the DimensionTree components elements.
The IDimensionViewerEventArgs interface contains basic argument properties of the event of the DimensionCombo and DimensionTree components.
The IDimensionViewerGetHintEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event when a tooltip appears for the element, over which mouse cursor is hovered.
  The IMetaAttributeBreadcrumbItemEventArgs interface contains basic properties of arguments of the events related to attributes of the time series database the user works with in the MetaAttributeBreadcrumb component.
The IMetaAttributeBreadcrumbReplaceItemEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event before replacing element in the component.
The IMetaAttributeParamItemEventArgs interface contains properties of event argument that appears after assigning any parameter to the attribute.
The IMetabaseTreeListNodePopupEventArgs interface contains properties of the event argument that occurs when calling a context menu of any tree element of the MetabaseTreeCombo and the MetabaseTreeList components.
The IMetabaseTreeNodeSpecialEventArgs interface contains argument properties of different events connected with setting of elements displaying in a tree of the MetabaseTreeCombo and the MetabaseTreeList components.
The ISearchDataSourceSelectionChangeEventArgs interface contains properties of event argument of the SearchDataSourcesBox component.
The IUiDataSourceEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event when moving to other record or editing the current event of data source.

See also:

ExtCtrls Assembly Enumerations | ExtCtrls Assembly Classes