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ExtCtrls > ExtCtrls Assembly Interfaces > IAttributeValueTreeListNode



The IAttributeValueTreeListNode interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with an attribute value in the time series database hierarchy of the MetaAttributesTreeList component.


  Property name Brief description
The AttributeKey property returns attribute key.
The AttributeName property returns attribute name.
The Attributes property returns the time series attributes collection.
The Value property returns attribute value.

Properties inherited from IMetaAttributesTreeListNode

  Property name Brief description
Type The Type property returns the type of the node.

Properties inherited from ITreeListNode.

  Property name Brief description
Bold The Bold property determines whether element text is displayed in a bond font.
Checked The Checked property determines whether the selection is set for the element.
CheckState The CheckState property determines the state of the tree element selection.
ColumnText The ColumnText property determines text of the specified column for the current element.
Cut The Cut property determines whether the element to be cut is given grayish view.
Data The Data property compares data of random structure to a tree element.
Expanded The Expanded property determines type of the tree top hierarchy that is expanded or collapsed.
Focused The Focused property determines whether the element is focused.
Id The Id property returns a unique numeric identifier of the element.
ImageIndex The ImageIndex property determines index of the image that should be placed to the left of the text of the element in the first column of the component.
Index The Index property returns element index in the list of child elements of the parent.
IsDropTarget The IsDropTarget property determines whether any other node is passing over this node at the moment.
Level The Level property returns index of the level containing this node.
NextNode The NextNode property returns the next tree element.
NextSelectedNode The NextSelectedNode property returns the next selected tree element.
NextSiblingNode The NextSiblingNode property returns the next neighbor node that is located on the same level as this one.
OverlayIndex The OverlayIndex property determines index of a covering mask.
Parent The Parent property returns the parent element for this element.
PreviousNode The PreviousNode property returns the previous tree element.
PreviousSelectedNode The PreviousSelectedNode property returns the previous selected tree element.
PreviousSiblingNode The PreviousSiblingNode property returns the previous neighbor node that is located on the same level as this node.
Selected The Selected property determines whether the element is selected.
SelectedIndex The SelectedIndex property determines the index binding the element with one the images of Images property that displays selected elements.
StateIndex The StateIndex property determines the index binding the element with one of the images of StateImages property that displays the element state.
Text The Text property determines the text of the first column for the current element.
Visible The Visible property determines whether the element is visible in a client area of the component.

Properties inherited from ITreeListNodeBase.

  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of child elements.
FirstChild The FirstChild property returns parameters of the first child element.
HasChildren The HasChildren property determines whether child elements are available in this element.
Item The Item property returns parameters of the specified child element.
LastChild The LastChild property returns parameters of the last child element.
TreeControl The TreeControl property returns the parent object.


  Method name Brief description
The GetKeys method returns the array of indicators keys.

Methods inherited from ITreeListNode.

  Method name Brief description
Delete The Delete method removes the current element with all child elements of the tree.
EditText The EditText method returns the value that checks possibility to switch to the edit mode.
EndEdit The EndEdit method exits the edit mode of the text of tree elements.
IsChild The IsChild method determines whether the current element is a child for the element passed as an input parameter.
IsParent The IsParent method determines whether the current element is a parent for the element passed as an input parameter.
MakeVisible The MakeVisible method scrolls element tree so that this element is in the visible component area.
MoveTo The MoveTo method moves the node to the specified position.
SelectNode The SelectNode method selects tree element.
SelectSiblings The SelectSiblings method selects all elements of the level containing this element.
Sort The Sort method sorts the specified column by contents.
SortDefault The SortDefault method sorts the column specified in the the SortColumn property by contents.
UnselectNode The SelectNode method deselects tree element.
UnselectSiblings The UnselectSiblings method deselects elements of the level containing this element.

Methods inherited from ITreeListNodeBase.

  Method name Brief description
AnyChildSelected The AnyChildSelected method returns whether there are selected child elements.
Collapse The Collapse method collapses the structure of tree child elements.
DeleteChildren The DeleteChildren method removes all child elements of the current element.
Expand The Expand method expands the hierarchy of child element tree.
SelectChildren The SelectChildren method selects child elements.
UnselectChildren The UnselectChildren method deselects child elements.

See also:

ExtCtrls Assembly Interfaces