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ExtCtrls > ExtCtrls Assembly Interfaces > IDataGridBand


Assembly: ExtCtrls;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.ExtCtrls;


The IDataGridBand interface contains properties and methods of bands of the DataGrid component.


  Property name Brief description
AutoFillDown The AutoFillDown property determines whether it is possible to expand a band header down.
Children The Children property returns the collection of band child objects.
HasChildren The HasChildren property returns whether a band contains child objects.
RowCount The RowCount property returns the number of rows containing child objects.

Properties inherited from IDataGridBandBase

   Property name Brief description
AutoWidth The AutoWidth property determines the value that is to be used to autoadjust band or column width when the DataGrid component is resized.
CanSetVisible The CanSetVisible property determines whether it is possible to change visibility of component band or column.
ColumnIndex The ColumnIndex property returns the index of a column or a band at the current nesting level.
Columns The Columns property returns the collection of band child columns.
Fixed The Fixed property determines the fixed band, in which the object is located.
HeaderStyle The HeaderStyle property returns a formatting style of a band or column header.
Height The Height property returns the height of a band or a column header.
Index The Index property returns the unique index of an object in the collection of bands or columns.
Left The Left property returns the space between a band left border or between a column and the DataGrid component left border.
Level The Level property returns an object nesting level.
Menu The Menu property determines the context menu that is called for in the area of band or column header.
MinWidth The MinWidth property determines a minimum width of band or column header.
Options The Options property returns additional object properties.
ParentBand The ParentBand property determines a parent object.
RootBand The RootBand property returns the very first (root) parent band.
RowIndex The RowIndex property returns the index of the row, that contains the object header.
Title The Title property determines text of a band or column header.
Top The Top property returns the space between a band upper border or between a column and the DataGrid component upper border.
TotalPopup The TotalPopup property determines the context menu that appears on clicking with additional mouse button in the area of totals of this object.
TotalStyle The TotalStyle property determines type of totals that are calculated for this object.
TotalValue The TotalValue property determines the value that is displayed in the object totals.
Visible The Visible property indicates whether this object is visible in a table.
Width The Width property determines band or column header width.

Properties inherited from IComponent

  Property name Brief description
The ComponentCount property returns the number of child components located on the parent component.
The Components property returns a child component, which index is passed via the input parameter.
The Data property is used to store any custom data.
The Name property determines the component name.
The Tag property is not used by the compiler. The user can change the value of this property and use it at his discretion.

Methods inherited from IDataGridBandBase

  Method name Brief description
Delete The Delete method deletes the object, for which it was called.
SetParentBand The SetParentBand method places an object to band's specified positions.

See also:

ExtCtrls Assembly Interfaces