ExtCtrls > ExtCtrls Assembly Classes > MetaAttributesBreadcrumb > MetaAttributesBreadcrumb.OnDimTreePopup
Sub OnDimTreePopup(Sender: Object; Args: IMetaAttributesBreadcrumbDimTreePopupEventArgs);
//set of operators;
End Sub OnDimTreePopup;
The Sender parameter returns the component that has generated the event.
The Args parameter determines event parameters.
The OnDimTreePopup event occurs on opening context menu of the drop-down list of the MetaAttributesBreadcrumb component.
NOTE. This event is not implemented in the Fore.NET language because the PopupMenu component is missing in the development environment for this language.
The event use is given in the example for IMetaAttributesBreadcrumbDimTreePopupEventArgs.PopupMenu.
See also: