ExtCtrls > ExtCtrls Assembly Interfaces > IMetaAttributesBreadcrumbDimTreePopupEventArgs > IMetaAttributesBreadcrumbDimTreePopupEventArgs.PopupMenu
PopupMenu: IPopupMenu;
The PopupMenu property determines context menu in the drop-down list of the MetaAttributesBreadcrumb component.
As a context menu, use the PopupMenu development environment component.
NOTE. This property is not implemented in the Fore.NET language because the PopupMenu component is missing in the development environment for this language.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains:
A form containing the components:
MetaAttributesBreadcrumb with the mab identifier.
PopupMenu with the pm identifier. Add manually menu elements for this component.
A time series database with the FC identifier.
Add a link to the Metabase system assembly.
// Form open event
Sub POPUPMENUFormOnShow(Sender: Object; Args: IEventArgs);
mab.Rubricator := MetabaseClass.Active.ItemById("FC").Open(Null) As IRubricatorInstance;
End Sub POPUPMENUFormOnShow;
// Event on opening context menu in the drop-down list of the component
Sub mabOnDimTreePopup(Sender: Object; Args: IMetaAttributesBreadcrumbDimTreePopupEventArgs);
Args.PopupMenu := pm;
Debug.WriteLine("Dictionary key - " + Args.DimSelection.Dimension.Key.ToString);
End Sub mabOnDimTreePopup;
After executing the example in the MetaAttributesBreadcrumb component in the drop-down list on the right mouse button click:
The specified custom context menu is displayed.
The console window displays dictionary key.
See also: