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ExtCtrls > ExtCtrls Assembly Interfaces > IDimensionViewerBase


Assembly: ExtCtrls;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.ExtCtrls;


The IDimensionViewerBase interface is used to work with a drop-down list of the MetaAttributesBreadcrumb component.

Inheritance Hierarchy



This interface is used to work with a drop-down list of breadcrumb by time series contained in time series database.

To get an object of this type, use IMetaAttributesBreadcrumb.DimensionViewer.


  Property name Brief description
AdjustWidthOnlyVisible The AdjustWidthOnlyVisible property determines whether autofit takes into account width of the elements that are visible in the component.
AutoCheckParent The AutoCheckParent property determines whether checkboxes of tree parent nodes automatically receive an indefinite state if not all the child elements are selected.
AutoExpandDepth The AutoExpandDepth property determines the number of dimension level that is automatically expanded on appearing a drop-down component list.
Checkboxes The Checkboxes property determines whether checkboxes to the left of the elements are displayed in the component.
Checked The Checked property determines whether tree node checkbox is selected.
CheckState The CheckState property determines the state of the tree node checkbox.
ColumnClick The ColumnClick property determines whether click is allowed on column header.
Columns The Columns property returns the collection of columns of component's drop-down list.
EnableFindDialog The EnableFindDialog property determines whether a standard dialog box for element search can be opened.
FindEditVisible The FindEditVisible property determines whether a search field is displayed when the component drop-down list is expanded.
FindMode The FindMode property determines selection mode of found elements.
FocusedElement The FocusedElement property determines index of the focused element.
GridLines The GridLines property determines whether a grid is displayed in the component drop-down list.
HighlightTrack The HighlightTrack property determines whether elements are highlighted on mouseover.
HotTrack The HotTrack property determines whether element is underlined on mouseover.
HotTrackAutoExpand The HotTrackAutoExpand property determines whether child element hierarchy is expanded on the selected element click.
Locked The Locked property determines whether element selection can be changed in the component.
RowSelect The RowSelect property determines whether the entire row is selected, which contains the selected element.
Selection The Selection property determines elements selection.
SelectionMode The SelectionMode property determines the mode of selecting component elements.
ShowButtons The ShowButtons property determines whether collapse or expand node children tree buttons are displayed.
ShowHeaderButton The ShowHeaderButton property determines whether menu open button is displayed with column header display settings.
ShowHints The ShowHints property determines whether tooltips appear on pointing the mouse on component elements.
ShowLines The ShowLines property determines whether connecting lines are displayed between nodes and their children.
ShowRoot The ShowRoot property determines whether the tree root elements expand and collapse buttons are displayed.


  Method name Brief description
AdjustWidth The AdjustWidth method adjusts automatically width of the column taking into account its contents.
Collapse The Collapse method collapses hierarchies of tree children of the specified node.
Expand The Expand method expands hierarchies of tree children for the specified node.
GetCheckedNodes The GetCheckedNodes method returns selection containing the elements, which checkboxes are selected.
GetItemAt The GetItemAt method allows to get the component element in the specified point.
HitTest The HitTest method is an extension of the IDimensionViewerBase.GetItemAt method.
MakeVisible The MakeVisible method scrolls the elements tree in such a way, that the specified element fits into the visible area of a component.

See also:

ExtCtrls Assembly Interfaces