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Db > Db Assembly Interfaces

Db Assembly Interfaces

  Interface Brief description
The ICachedDataset interface contains properties and methods for operation with cache of data source.
The ICachedDatasetLookup interface contains properties and methods used to search data in cache of source.
The IDatabase interface contains properties and methods of the Database repository object.
The IDatabaseApplicationRole interface determines settings of application role use.
The IDatabaseInstance interface contains properties used to get objects instances, contained on database server.
The IDatabaseTables interface contains properties and methods of tables collection stored on a database server.
The IDatabaseViews interface contains properties and methods of a collection of views stored on DB server.
The IDatasetBatchUpdate interface contains properties and methods used to determine updating parameters of records in a data source.
The IDatasetDataAbstractProvider interface contains basic properties and methods of custom data sources.
The IDatasetDataArrayProvider interface contains properties and methods used to work with the custom data source, the values in which are loaded from array.
The IDatasetDataProvider interface contains basic properties of data source, from which time series are loaded into database.
The IDatasetDataTransform interface contains the method used to transform the data.
The IDatasetDataTransformProvider interface contains properties and methods used to work with custom data source that allows to transform the data before loading.
The IDatasetInstance interface contains properties and methods used to access data of data sources.
The IDatasetInstanceField interface contains properties of record field of data source.
The IDatasetInstanceFields interface contains properties and methods of collection of data source fields values.
The IDatasetModel interface contains properties and methods used to access the structure of a data source.
The IDsetModelField interface contains properties of data source field.
The IDatasetModelFields interface contains properties and methods of data source field collection.
The interface is not implemented.
Outdated. The IDWRepositoryDatabase interface is used to work with repository database of extended data warehouse.
Outdated. The IDWRepositoryDatabaseInstance interface is used to work with open instance of extended data warehouse repository.
The IExcelDataset interface contains properties of the Data Source MS Excel object.
The ILog interface contains properties and methods of the Log repository object.
The IOdbcDataset interface contains properties and methods of the ODBC data source repository object.
The IProcedure interface contains properties and methods of the Procedure repository object.
The IQuery interface contains properties and methods of the Query repository object.
The IQueryStorage interface contains properties and methods used to set up parameters of data saving.
The ISequence interface is used to generate object keys.
The ISequenceInstance interface contains properties and methods used to work with sequence.
The ISQLCallback interface contains methods that are used to handle a generation process of query fro cube data extraction.
The ISQLCommand interface contains properties and methods of the DBMS Command repository object.
The ISQLCommandInstance interface contains properties and methods used to execute and access results of procedures and DBMS commands.
The ISQLComponents interface contains properties to access to a separate parts of query for cube data extraction.
The ISQLCondition interface contains properties of a particular condition included into ISQLComponents.Where.
The ITable interface contains properties and methods of the Table repository object.
The ITableCheck interface contains properties and methods of table constraint.
The ITableChecks interface contains properties and methods of table constraints collection.
The ITableField interface contains properties of a table field.
The ITableFields interface contains properties and methods of collection of repository table fields.
The ITableForeignKey interface is used to work with external key of the table.
The ITableForeignKeys interface is used to work with a collection of external keys of a table.
The ITableIndex interface contains properties of a table index.
The ITableIndexes interface contains properties and methods of indexes collection of repository table.
The ITableIndexFields interface contains properties and methods of fields collection of repository table index.
The ITableTrigger interface contains properties and methods of the trigger of the table.
The ITableTriggers interface contains properties and methods of table trigger collection.
The IView interface contains properties and methods of the View repository object.

See also:

Db Assembly Enumerations | Db Assembly Classes | Examples