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Db > Db Assembly Interfaces > IDatasetModel



The IDatasetModel interface contains properties and methods used to access the structure of a data source.


The interface allows to operate with structure of any relational source of repository data source.

Relational data sources are:

To get data, open the repository object using the IMetabaseObjectDescriptor.Bind or IMetabaseObjectDescriptor.Edit methods and cast it to the IDatasetModel interface.

NOTE. On casting a table MDM dictionary or composite table MDM dictionary to IDatasetModel, multiple attributes are not supported.


  Property name Brief description
Database The Database property returns the object containing a parent database.
Fields The Fields property returns the object containing the field collection of data source.


  Method name Brief description
Open The Open method opens a data source.
OpenWhere The OpenWhere method opens a data source, using the filter.

See also:

Db Assembly Interfaces