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Db > Db Assembly Interfaces > IDatasetBatchUpdate



The IDatasetBatchUpdate interface contains properties and methods used to update values of records in a data source.


  Property name Brief description
BatchCommand The BatchCommand property determines method of update of records in a data source.
Connection The Connection property returns current connection with a database server.
Failed The Failed property returns whether record in a data source is updated after updating application.
FailPolicy The FailPolicy property determines the type of action that is executed if an error occurs during updating.
FastInsert The FastInsert property determines whether quick insert mode is used to refresh data source records.
Fields The Fields property allows to operate with collection parameters of data source fields.
KeyFieldNames The KeyFieldNames property determines names of key fields.
RecordCount The RecordCount property returns the quantity of records existing in the clipboard.
RecordFields The RecordFields property returns an array of clipboard record values.


  Method name Brief description
AddRecord The AddRecord method adds updated values of the record into the clipboard.
BeginUpdate The BeginUpdate method starts the update (clipboard clearing).
Commit The Commit method applies update (saves values of clipboard records into the data source).
Rollback The Rollback method cancels update.

See also:

Db Assembly Interfaces