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Db > Db Assembly Interfaces > IDatasetInstance



The IDatasetInstance interface contains properties and methods used to access data of data sources.


The interface allows to operate with data of any relational source of repository data source.

Relational data sources are:

To get data, open the repository object using the IMetabaseObjectDescriptor.Open or IMetabaseObjectDescriptor.OpenWithParam methods and cast it to the IDatasetInstance interface.

NOTE. On casting a table MDM dictionary or composite table MDM dictionary to IDatasetInstance, multiple attributes are not supported.


  Property name Brief description
Dataset The Dataset property returns a structure of data source.
FieldDefs The FieldDefs property returns structure of all data source fields.
Fields The Fields property returns collection of fields values of current data source record.


  Method name Brief description
Close The Close method closes data source.
CreateBatchUpdate The CreateBatchUpdate method creates updates of the data source data.
Eof The Eof method returns True if cursor is on the last record in data source, or if data source has no records.
Execute This method is not supported.
First The First method moves to the first record of data source.
Next The Next method moves to the next record in the data source.
OpenCached The OpenCached method allows for working with cache of data source.

See also:

Db Assembly Interfaces