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Db > Db Assembly Interfaces > IDatabaseTables



The IDatabaseTables interface contains properties and methods of tables collection stored on a database server.


  Property name Brief description
TableName The TableName property returns a physical name of the table in a database.

Properties Inherited From  IDalCursor

  Property name Brief description
Command The Command property returns an object used to work with database using the SQL queries.
Fields The Fields property returns a collection of fields of the cursor that was received after executing SQL query.

Methods Inherited From IDalCursor

  Method name Brief description
Close The Close method closes a cursor.
Eof The Eof method returns whether the current record is the last in the table that became a result of command execution on the database server.
Next The Next method implements transition to the next record in the table that became a result of command execution on the database server.

See also:

Db Assembly Interfaces