
The Mobile Application Component

The following classes are used to work with the Mobile Application component:

Identifier Brief description
AddNoteDialog The AddNoteDialog class is used to work with a note edit dialog box.
APArea The APArea class is used to work with an area containing dashboard objects.
APAreaView The APAreaView class is used to work with a visual view of the area containing dashboard objects.
APCompositeBlock The APCompositeBlock class is used to work with a dashboard composite block.
APDashboard The APDashboard class is used to work with a dashboard information block.
APGrid The APGrid class is used to work with a table block for dashboard.
APKap The APKap class is used to work with a dashboard.
APObject The APObject class is used to work with dashboard objects.
APPanel The APPanel class is used to work with the Panel container element.
APSlideScroller The APSlideScroller class is used to work with a dashboard slide container.
APXMLParser The APXMLParser class is used to get dashboard XML data.
APXMLParserObject The APXMLParserObject class is used to work with dashboard XML element.
BaseSettingsViewController The BaseSettingsViewController class is used to work with a settings menu.
Bookmark The Bookmark class is used to work with a regular report document tab.
BookmarksViewController The BookmarksViewController class is used to select regular report document tabs.
BookmarkTableViewCell The BookmarkTableViewCell class is used to work with a cell in the PDF document tab selection table.
BubbleDataViewDatasource The BubbleDataViewDatasource class is used to work with a bubble chart data source.
BubblesOptions The BubblesOptions class is used to work with a bubble chart settings controller.
BubblesPalette The BubblesPalette class is used to work with a bubble chart palette.
BubbleTreeDataViewDataSource The BubbleTreeDataViewDataSource class is used to work with a bubble tree data source.
ChartDataViewDatasource The ChartDataViewDatasource class is used to work with a chart data source.
ChartingColorByMetric The ChartingColorByMetric class is used to control color metric in bubble charts, maps, bubble trees and tree maps.
ChartingColorIndicator The ChartingColorIndicator class is used to work with fill color control settings in bubble chart and bubble tree bubbles, map territories and tree map rectangles.
ChartingSize The ChartingSize class is used to work with size control settings of bubble chart and bubble tree bubbles, tree map rectangles.
ChartingSizeByMetric The ChartingSizeByMetric class is used to work with size metric control settings in bubble charts, maps, bubble trees and tree maps.
ChartLegendViewController The ChartLegendViewController class is used to work with legend setup controller.
ChartNumberFormatViewController The ChartNumberFormatViewController class is used to work with chart number format setup controller.
ChartPreferencesViewController The ChartPreferencesViewController class is used to work with chart setup controller.
ChartRowsViewController The ChartRowsViewController class is used to work with the controller that selects data series for setup.
ChartRowViewController The ChartRowViewController class is used to work with chart data series settings.
ChartSettingsViewController The ChartSettingsViewController class is used to work with chart and axis setup controller.
ChartTypeSelectorViewController The ChartTypeSelectorViewController class is used to work with chart type selection controller.
CheckmarkedCell The CheckmarkedCell class is used to work with a basic cell containing a checkbox.
ColorIndicatorTableViewCell The ColorIndicatorTableViewCell class is used to work with a cell containing a colored square.
ColorParser The ColorParser class is used to store colors addressed by HTML code.
CommonTableViewCell The CommonTableViewCell class is used to work with a cell supporting styles.
DataViewDatasource The DataViewDatasource class is used to work with a view data source.
DocumentSelectorViewController The DocumentSelectorViewController class is used to work with regular report document selection controller.
EAReportDelegateImpl The EAReportDelegateImpl class is used to work with express report delegate.
FontSizeViewController The FontSizeViewController class is used to work with font size selection controller.
FontViewController The FontViewController class is used to work with font selection controller.
GridDataViewDatasource The GridDataViewDatasource class is used to work with a table data source.
MABaseReportViewController The MABaseReportViewController class is used to work with a report view controller.
MABubbleDataViewController The MABubbleDataViewController class is used to work with a bubble chart data view controller
MABubbleTreeDataViewController The MABubbleTreeDataViewController class is used to work with a data view as a bubble tree.
MAChartDataViewController The MAChartDataViewController class is used to work with a chart data view.
MAConditionalFormatting The MAConditionalFormatting class is used to work with basic settings of table cell conditional formatting.
MAConditionalFormattingHelper The MAConditionalFormattingHelper class is used to work with conditional formatting basic helper.
MAConditionalFormattingPool The MAConditionalFormattingPool class is used to work with conditional formatting settings pool.
MAConditionalFormattingPoolKey The MAConditionalFormattingPoolKey class is used to work with conditional formatting settings pool key.
MAConditionalFormattingRule The MAConditionalFormattingRule class is used to work with conditional formatting rule settings.
MAConditionalFormattingRuleGlobalHelper The MAConditionalFormattingRuleGlobalHelper class is used to create a helper that works with conditional formatting rule settings applied to the whole grid.
MAConditionalFormattingRuleLocalHelper The MAConditionalFormattingRuleLocalHelper class is used to create a helper that works with conditional formatting rule settings applied to grid cells.
MAConditionalFormattingRulePreparedData The MAConditionalFormattingRulePreparedData class is used to work with predefined rule-based conditional formatting settings.
MAConditionalFormattingRules The MAConditionalFormattingRules class is used to work with rule-based conditional formatting settings.
MAConditionalFormattingRulesGlobalHelper The MAConditionalFormattingRulesGlobalHelper class is used to create a helper that works with conditional formatting settings, based on a rule and applied to the whole grid.
MAConditionalFormattingRulesLocalHelper The MAConditionalFormattingRulesLocalHelper class is used to create a helper that works with rule-based conditional formatting rules and applied to grid cells.
MAConditionalFormattingScale The MAConditionalFormattingScale class is used to work with conditional formatting settings based on color scale.
MAConditionalFormattingScaleGlobalHelper The MAConditionalFormattingScaleGlobalHelper class is used to create a helper that works with conditional formatting settings based on color scale and applied to the whole grid.
MAConditionalFormattingScaleLocalHelper The MAConditionalFormattingScaleLocalHelper class is used to create a helper that works with conditional formatting settings based on color scale and applied to grid cells.
MADashboardReportDelegateImpl The MADashboardReportDelegateImpl class is used to work with dashboard controller delegates.
MADashboardReportViewController The MADashboardReportViewController class is used to work with dashboard controller
MADashboardReportViewControllerFactory The MADashboardReportViewControllerFactory class is used to create dashboard controller.
MADataReportActionViewController The MADataReportActionViewController class is used to work with report action controller.
MADataReportFavoriteSaveViewController The MADataReportFavoriteSaveViewController class is used to work with controller for saving report in favorites.
MADataReportSettingsViewController The MADataReportSettingsViewController class is used to work with report parameter controller.
MADataReportViewController The MADataReportViewController class is used to work with the report containing several different data views.
MADataViewController The MADataViewController class is used to work with data view controller.
MADataViewDatasourceTitleUtils The MADataViewDatasourceTitleUtils class is used to create parametric titles.
MADimensionsPanelDimensionDescriptor The MADimensionsPanelDimensionDescriptor class is used to work with description of report dimension.
MADimensionsPanelDimensionElementDescriptor The MADimensionsPanelDimensionElementDescriptor class is used to work with parameters of report dimension element.
MADimensionsPanelTableViewController The MADimensionsPanelTableViewController class is used to work with dimension panel controller.
MADimensionsPanelTableViewDelegate The MADimensionsPanelTableViewDelegate class is used to work with a dimension panel delegate.
MAElementDataSourceRoleSelectorViewController The MAElementDataSourceRoleSelectorViewController class is used to work with controller for selecting modes of metric use by maps and bubble charts.
MAExpressAnalysisReportViewController The MAExpressAnalysisReportViewController class is used to work with an express report view.
MAExpressAnalysisReportViewControllerFactory The MAExpressAnalysisReportViewControllerFactory class is used to create data view controllers in express report and its delegate.
MAGridCellStyle The MAGridCellStyle class is used to work with table cell style.
MAGridDataViewController The MAGridDataViewController class is used to work with a data view as a table.
MAGridDataViewControllerExpanderInfo The MAGridDataViewControllerExpanderInfo class is used to pass collapsed expander coordinates.
MAGridDataViewControllerSelection The MAGridDataViewControllerSelection class is used to create a cell selection area in table view.
MAGridDelegate The MAGridDelegate class is used to work with a grid delegate.
MAGridProxyDataSource The MAGridProxyDataSource class is used to work with a grid proxy data source.
MAImageDataViewController The MAImageDataViewController class is used to work with an image view.
MAMapData2DViewController The MAMapData2DViewController class is used to work with a data view as SVG map.
MAMapData3DViewController The MAMapData3DViewController class is used to work with a data view as a 3D map.
MAMapDataBubbleViewController The MAMapDataBubbleViewController class is used to work with a data view as an Apple map.
MAMapDataViewContainerController The MAMapDataViewContainerController class is used to work with a map container.
MAMapDataViewController The MAMapDataViewController class is used to work with a map data view.
MapDataViewDatasource The MapDataViewDatasource class is used to work with a map data source.
MAProceduralReportDataViewController The MAProceduralReportDataViewController class is used to work with a sheet vewer view in regular report.
MAProceduralReportDataViewControllerBase The MAProceduralReportDataViewControllerBase class is used to work with a regular report sheet viewer view.
MAProceduralReportExtDataViewController The MAProceduralReportExtDataViewController class is used to view a sheet from the regular report sheet set.
MAProceduralReportViewController The MAProceduralReportViewController class is used to work with a regular report visualizer view.
MAProceduralReportViewControllerDelegateImpl The MAProceduralReportViewControllerDelegateImpl class is used to work with a regular report delegate.
MAProceduralReportViewControllerFactory The MAProceduralReportViewControllerFactory class is used to create regular report views and its delegate.
MAReportAccessRights The MAReportAccessRights class is used to work with express report access permissions.
MASeparatorView The MASeparatorView class is used to work with a container separator.
MATextDataViewController The MATextDataViewController class is used to work with a text data view.
MATreeMap3DViewController The MATreeMap3DViewController class is used to work with a basic data view as a tree map.
MATreeMapDataViewController The MATreeMapDataViewController class is used to work with a data view as a tree map.
MAWebDataViewController The MAWebDataViewController class is used to work with a web page view.
Note The Note class is used to work with a note in regular report document.
NotesViewController The NotesViewController class is used to select a note in a regular report.
PanelView The PanelView class is used to work with a dimension panel controller.
PanelViewController The PanelViewController class is used to work with a controller that controls dimension panel container.
PdfPage The PdfPage class is used to work with a PDF page.
PdfPageSelector The PdfPageSelector class is used to work with a view for selecting regular report sheet pages.
PdfPageView The PdfPageView class is used to work with a PDF page view.
PdfSearchResultsViewController The PdfSearchResultsViewController class is used to work with a search result view.
PdfView The PdfView class is used to work with a PDF document view.
ProceduralActionMenuViewController The ProceduralActionMenuViewController class is used to work a regular report action view.
ProceduralDocumentView The ProceduralDocumentView class is used to display DOC and XLS documents.
ProceduralOptionsViewController The ProceduralOptionsViewController class is used to work with a regular report document action view.
SettingsCell The SettingsCell class is used to work a basic cell of menu settings.
SettingsCheckmarkedCell The SettingsCheckmarkedCell class is used to work with a cell containing a checkbox.
SettingsCheckmarkedColorCell The SettingsCheckmarkedColorCell class is used to work with a cell containing a checkbox and a colored square.
SettingsCheckmarkedSpinnerCell The SettingsCheckmarkedSpinnerCell class is used to work with a cell containing a checkbox and value editor as a counter.
SettingsColorPicker The SettingsColorPicker class is used to work with a palette color selection controller.
SettingsColorTableViewCell The SettingsColorTableViewCell class is used to work with a cell containing a colored square.
SettingsDetailCheckmarkedCell The SettingsDetailCheckmarkedCell class is used to work with a cell containing a checkbox and a detailed description.
SettingsDetailTextTableViewCell The SettingsDetailTextTableViewCell class is used to work with a cell containing a text editor and a detailed description.
SettingsPaletteSelector The SettingsPaletteSelector class is used to work with a color scheme selection controller.
SettingsSpinnerTableViewCell The SettingsSpinnerTableViewCell class is used to work with a cell containing a value editor as a counter.
SettingsSwitchTableViewCell The SettingsSwitchTableViewCell class is used to work with a cell containing a switch.
SettingsTextInputCell The SettingsTextInputCell class is used to work with a cell containing a text editor with ability to set up style.
SpinnerTableViewCell The SpinnerTableViewCell class is used to work with a basic cell containing a value editor as a counter.
SplitView The SplitView class is used to work with a container divided into two data views.
SplitViewController The SplitViewController class is used to work with a controller containing a container with separator.
SplitViewTitleView The SplitViewTitleView class is used to work with a title of the container divided into two data views.
SwitchTableViewCell The SwitchTableViewCell class is used to work with a basic cell containing a switch.
TextInputTableViewCell The TextInputTableViewCell class is used to work with a cell containing a text editor.
TouchTransparentView The TouchTransparentView class is used to work with an area that is available for sensor interaction with a user.

See also:

Working with the Mobile Application Component