

The MapDataViewDatasource class is used to work with a map data source.

Inheritance Hierarchy




Supported Protocols




colorMetricKey. Color metric key.

colorMetricName. Color metric name.

colorMetricsElement. Color metric dimension element.

colorValues. The array that contains color data for all series.

currentMetricsDimensionKey. Metric dimension key.

hasColorData. Indicates whether color metric is selected.

hasHeightData. Indicates whether height metric is selected.

hasSizeData. Indicates whether bubble size metric is selected.

heightMetricKey. Height metric key.

heightMetricName. Height metric name.

heightValues. The array containing height data for all data series.

isFor3dMap. Indicates whether a 3D map data source is used.

metricsDimension. Metric dimension.

metricsDimensionElementsKeys. Dictionary of metric dimension element names.

metricsDimensionsKeys. Dictionary of dimension metric names.

observationDimension. Observation object dimension.

plusplusDataSource. Bubble tree data source.

sizeMetricKey. Bubble size metric key.

sizeMetricName. Bubble size metric name.

sizeMetricsElement. Metric dimension element for determining bubble size.

sizeValues. The array containing bubble size data for all data series.

timeAxisTitles. Array of time tick mark titles.

timelineDimension. The dimension used for building a timeline.

updateLock. The property that locks map data source.


addGeographicSeriesWithID:title:coordinate:. Adds geographic data from external data source.

colorSeriesWithID:. Returns a color data series by the specified data series identifier.

coordinateWithID:. Returns geographic coordinates linked to a data series.

dumpSettings. Returns a dictionary with map data source settings.

fixedDimensions. Returns an array of map data source fixed dimensions.

heightSeriesWithID:. Returns the series height data by the specified data series identifier.

initWithPivot:withFullTopoSelection:. Creates an instance of the MapDataViewDatasource class by means of the pivot object for building data tables.

initWithPivotTable:olapReport:withFullTopoSelection:. Creates an instance of the MapDataViewDatasource class by means of data table and express report.

initWithPivotTable:withFullTopoSelection:. Creates an instance of the MapDataViewDatasource class by means of data table.

legendColors. Returns legend color scale.

loadSettings:dataStorageSettings:indicatorEmptySettings:. Loads map data source settings.

metricsDimension_Map. Returns metric dimension.

observationDimension_Map. Retuns observation object dimension.

seriesWithGeographicDataIDList. Returns an array of data series identifiers, for which geographic data is set.

setColorMetricsKey:. Sets color metric key.

setLegendColors:. Sets legend color scale.

setMetricsDimensionId:. Sets metric dimension identifier.

setObservationDimensionId:. Sets observation object dimension identifier.

setSizeMetricsKey:. Sets bubble size metric key.

setTimelineDimensionId:. Sets identifier of the dimension used for building a timeline.

sizeSeriesWithID:. Returns bubble size series data by the specified data series identifier.

timelineDimension_Map. Returns a dimension used for building a timeline.

titleWithID:. Returns data series title.

Methods inherited from DataViewDatasource

addEventObserver:. Subscribes delegate object for data source events.

dataSelectionTitle. Returns text description of data sample.

dataSelectionTitleWithTimeaxisIndex:. Returns text description of data sample for the specified time.

removeEventObserver:. Removes the specified delegate object from the subscriber list for data source events.

removeEventObservers. Removes all subscribers.

sendEvent:. Creates an event and informs all subscribers about it.

updateData. Refreshes view data.

Methods inherited from <DataViewDatasourceSyncSelection>

applyDatasourceDimensionsInfo. Applies data source dimension settings.

copyDatasourceDimensionsInfo. Copies data source dimension settings.

See also:

Classes. The Mobile Application Component