Working with Geographic Data of Map Data Source

Operating system requirements: iOS 5.0 or later.

Mobile device: iPad.


This example describes working with geographic data of map data source. After starting the example the following operations are executed:

Source Code

Executing the example requires to place the following code in the body of the executeExample method of the ViewController class (see the Displaying of Express Report section):

// Create a pivot object for building data tables
SPPLPivot pivot = PPLPivot::pivot(m_olapReport);
// Create a map data source
MapDataViewDatasource *mapDatasource = [[MapDataViewDatasource alloc] initWithPivot:pivot withFullTopoSelection:YES];
// Set up dimensions in map data source
[mapDatasource performSelector:@selector(dimensionsSetup) withObject:nil];
// Get array of fixed dimensions of map data source
SNArray fixed = [mapDatasource fixedDimensions];
// Get first dimenion in array of fixed dimensions
SPPLDimension dimensionFromFixed = fixed->objectAtIndex<PPLDimension>(0);
// Display obtained dimension name in the development environment console
NSLog(@"Fixed dimension in map data source: %@", dimensionFromFixed->name()->nsString());
// Set geographic data for data series with the "RU" identifier
CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate;
coordinate.latitude = 66;
coordinate.longitude = 94;
[mapDatasource addGeographicSeriesWithID:@"RU" title:@"RF" coordinate:coordinate];
// Get array of data series identifiers, for which geographic data is set
NSArray *coordinatesList = [mapDatasource seriesWithGeographicDataIDList];
// Get first data series identifier with geographic data
NSString *id1 = [coordinatesList objectAtIndex: 0];
// Get data series title by its identifier
NSString *title =[mapDatasource titleWithID: id1];
// Get and display data series geographic coordinates in the development environment console
CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinateFromID = [mapDatasource coordinateWithID: id1];
NSLog(@"Data series "%@"; title: "%@"; latitude: %f; longitude: %f", id1, title, coordinateFromID.latitude, coordinateFromID.longitude);
// Get and display metric dimension key in the development environment console
int64 metricsKey = [mapDatasource currentMetricsDimensionKey];
NSLog(@"Metric dimension key: %d",metricsKey);
// Get metric dimension name dictionary
NSDictionary *metricsDimensionsKeys = [mapDatasource metricsDimensionsKeys];
// Display name of the first dictionary element in the development environment console
NSLog(@"First dimension in metric dimension name dictionary: %@",[metricsDimensionsKeys objectForKey:[[metricsDimensionsKeys allKeys] objectAtIndex:0]]);
// Get metric dimension element name dictionary
NSDictionary *metricsDimensionElementsKeys = [mapDatasource metricsDimensionElementsKeys];
// Display name of the first dictionary element in the development environment console
NSLog(@"First element in metric dimension element name dictionary: %@",[metricsDimensionElementsKeys objectForKey:[[metricsDimensionElementsKeys allKeys] objectAtIndex:0]]);

After executing the example the development environment console displays information about map data source, and also geographic data for one of the source data series:

Fixed dimension in map data source: Indicators

The data series "RU"; title: "RF"; latitude: 66.000000; longitude: 94.000000

Metric dimension key: 1557

First dimension in metric dimension name dictionary: Indicators

First element in metric dimension element name dictionary: Monetary holdings (liabilities)

See also:

Examples of Component Use