Working with Chart Data Source

Operating system requirements: iOS 5.0 or later.

Mobile device: iPad.


This example describes some methods of working with a chart data source. After starting the example the following operations are executed:

Source Code

Executing the example requires to place the following code in the body of the executeExample method of the ViewController class (see the Displaying of Express Report section):

// Select chart as the current data view
[m_controller setDataViewControllerWithIndex: 1];
// Get array of data view controllers
NSArray *controllers =[m_controller dataViewControllers];
// Parse data view controllers in cycle
for(NSObject *controller in controllers)
    // Check if the current controller is controller of chart data view
    if([controller isMemberOfClass:[MAChartDataViewController class]])
        // Get data view controller object as a chart
        MAChartDataViewController *chartController = (MAChartDataViewController *)controller;
        // Get chart data source
        ChartDataViewDatasource *chart = [[chartController dataSource] datasource];
        // Get axis label by text pattern
        NSString *axisName = [chart axisNameForMask: @"#fixed"];
        // Get series data by specified index
        NSArray *data = [chart seriesDataWithIndex: 1];
        // Get value of the first series element
        double valueOfData = [[data objectAtIndex:0] doubleValue];
        // Data source name
        NSString *cubeName = [chart cubeName];
        // Get the number of series in chart data source
        int seriesCount = [chart seriesCount];
        // Get array of data series keys
        NSArray *seriesKeys = [chart seriesKeys];
        // Get value of the first key in array
        int valueOfSeriesKeys = [[seriesKeys objectAtIndex:0] longValue];
        // Get array of series titles
        NSArray *seriesTitles = [chart seriesTitles];
        // Get array of timestamps
        NSArray *timestamps = [chart timestamps];
        // Get array of timestamp labels
        NSArray *timestampTitles = [chart timestampTitles];
        // Display obtained information in the development environment console
        NSLog(@"Label for fixed dimension: %@", axisName);
        NSLog(@"Value of the first series element with the 1 index: %f", valueOfData);
        NSLog(@"Data source name: %@", cubeName);
        NSLog(@"Number of series in chart data source: %d", seriesCount);
        NSLog(@"value of the first key in array of data series keys: %d", valueOfSeriesKeys);
        NSLog(@"First title in array of series titles: %@", [seriesTitles objectAtIndex: 0]);
        NSLog(@"First timestamp - value: %@, label: %@",[timestamps objectAtIndex:0], [timestampTitles objectAtIndex:0]);

It is also required to replace the code in the static example file in the initWithOlapReport: method in the block:

if (self.isChartEnabled)

with the following code:

// Check if pivot object for building data table is empty
if (m_gridPivot == NULL)
    // Get report settings
    SNDictionary gridOlapPlist = m_olapReport->storageDictionary()->objectForKey<NDictionary>(GRID_OLAP_KEY);
    // Create a report
    SPPLOlapReport gridOlapReport = NULL;
    if (gridOlapPlist != NULL)
        gridOlapReport = PPLOlapReport::olapReport(m_olapReport->descriptor(), gridOlapPlist);
    // Create a pivot object for building data table
    m_gridPivot = (gridOlapReport != NULL) ? PPLPivot::pivot(gridOlapReport) : PPLPivot::pivot(m_olapReport);
    // Create a data table
    m_gridPivotTable = PPLPivotTable::pivotTable(m_gridPivot);
    // Get data table settings
    SNDictionary gridPivotTablePlist = m_olapReport->storageDictionary()->objectForKey<NDictionary>(GRID_PIVOT_TABLE_KEY);
    // Check if table settings object is empty
    if (gridPivotTablePlist != NULL)
        // Set table settings
        // Apply table settings
        [self applyGridSettings];
// Create a data source based on data table
m_chartDatasource = [[ChartDataViewDatasource alloc] initWithPivotTable:m_gridPivotTable];

After executing the example the express report is displayed containing a chart based on the created data source:

The development environment console also displays information about chart data source:

Fixed dimension label: Indicators

Value of the first element with the 1 index: 12625.619629

Data source name: World Development Indicators

Number of series in chart data source: 2

Value of the first key in the array of data series keys: 44

The first title in the array of series titles: China

The first timestamp - value: 0, label: 1990


Then add the following code in the executeExample method of the ViewController class before the break operator:

// Determine whether source data is transposed
[chart setTransporateData:NO];
// Refresh chart data
[chart updateData];

After executing the updated example the express report is displayed containing a chart based on the transposed data source:

See also:

Example of Component Use