

The EAReportDelegateImpl class is used to work with express report delegate.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Supported Protocols





olapReport. Express report.

Properties inherited from <MAExpressAnalysisReportViewControllerDelegate>

bubbleDatasource. Bubble chart data source.

bubbleSettings. Bubble chart settings.

bubbleState. Saved bubble chart state.

bubbleTreeDatasource. Bubble tree data source.

bubbleTreeSettings. Bubble tree settings.

chartDatasource. Chart data source.

chartSettings. Chart settings.

chartState. Saved chart state.

dimensionsPanel. Report dimension panel.

expressReportController. Delegate express report controller.

gridDatasource. Table data source.

gridSettings. Table settings.

gridState. Saved table state.

isBubbleEnabled. Indicates whether bubble chart can be displayed.

isBubbleTreeEnabled. Indicates whether bubble tree can be displayed.

isChartEnabled. Indicates whether chart can be displayed.

isGridEnabled. Indicates whether table can be displayed.

isMapEnabled. Indicates whether map can be displayed.

isTreeMapEnabled. Indicates whether tree map can be displayed.

mapBubbleTopobase. Apple map data.

mapDatasource. Map data source.

mapSettings. Map settings.

mapState. Saved map state.

mapTopobase. Map topobase data.

mapType. Map type.

mode. Type of selected view.

treeMapDatasource. Tree map data source.

treeMapSettings. Tree map settings.

Properties inherited from <MAReportDelegate>

accessRights. Express report access permissions.

hasScreenshot. Indicates whether there is a saved report screenshot.

reportSettings. Initial report settings.

reportState. Saved report settings.

screenshot. Screenshot data.


initWithOlapReport:. Creates and instance of the EAReportDelegateImpl class.

Methods inherited from <MAExpressAnalysisReportViewControllerDelegate>

controllerViewDidLoaded. Informs the delegate that controller displayed the view.

didSwitchToViewMode:. Informs the delegate that controller ended view change.

olapTitle. Returns report title.

refreshPivot. Refreshes the pivot object for building data tables.

willSwitchToViewMode:. Informs the delegate that controller wants to change the view.

Methods inherited from <MAReportDelegate>

saveFavoriteWithName:. Saves report to favorites.

saveReport. Saves report current state.

See also:

Classes. The Mobile Application Component