Working with Express Report Delegate

Operating system requirements: iOS 5.0 or later.

Mobile device: iPad.


This example describes some methods of working with express report delegate. After starting the example the following operations are executed:

Source Code

Executing the example requires to place the following code in the body of the executeExample method of the ViewController class (see the Displaying of Express Report section):

// Get express report delegate instance
EAReportDelegateImpl *reportDelegate = (EAReportDelegateImpl *)[m_controller delegate];
// Get express report
SPPLOlapReport report = [reportDelegate olapReport];
// Display initial mode of express report data display in the development environment console
NSLog(@"Initial mode of express report data display: %@", report->startMode()->nsString());
// Get express report access permissions
MAReportAccessRights *rights = [reportDelegate accessRights];
// Display express report access permissions in the development environment console
NSLog(@"Express report access permissions:");
NSLog(@"Read: %@", [rights canRead]? @"allowed": @"denied");
NSLog(@"Write: %@", [rights canWrite]? @"allowed": @"denied");
NSLog(@"Delete: %@", [rights canDelete]? @"allowed": @"denied");
NSLog(@"Print: %@", [rights canPrint]? @"allowed": @"denied");
// Create a new object of express report access permissions based on a bit mask
MAReportAccessRights *rights2 = [[MAReportAccessRights alloc] initWithBitmask:[rights bitmask]];
// Compare the new object with the express report access permission object and display comparison result in the development environment console
if([rights isEqual: rights2])
    NSLog(@"Compare new express report access permission object with the initial object: objects are equal");
    NSLog(@"Compare new express report access permission object with the initial object: objects are not equal");
// Get a dictionary containing report initial settings
NSDictionary *settings = [reportDelegate reportSettings];
// Get a dictionary containing chart initial settings
NSDictionary *chart = [settings valueForKey:@"chart"];
// Get array of keys of chart settings dictionary
NSArray *settingsKeys = [chart allKeys];
// Display chart parameters in the development environment console
NSLog(@"Chart parameters contained in dictionary:" );
// Parse keys of chart settings dictionary in cycle
for(NSString *key in settingsKeys)
    // Display chart settings parameter name and value in the development environment console
    NSLog(@"%@: %@", key, [chart valueForKey:key]);
// Check if there is screenshot and display check result in the development environment console
NSLog(@"Screenshot existence: %@", [reportDelegate hasScreenshot]? @"exists":@"does not exist");
// Get repository link
SPPLMetabase metabase = PPLMetabase::sharedMetabase(report->descriptor()->repositoryDescriptor());
// Display the number of favorite repository objects before adding the report to favorites in the development environment console
NSLog(@"Number of favorite repository objects before adding the report to favorites: %d",metabase->favoriteDescriptors()->count());
// Save report to favorites
[reportDelegate saveFavoriteWithName:@"favorite1"];
// Display the number of favorite repository objects after adding the report to favorites in the development environment console
NSLog(@"Number of favorite repository objects after adding the report to favorites: %d",metabase->favoriteDescriptors()->count());

It is also required to replace the code fragment in the static example file in the createReport: method before the string:

SNString plistPath = PPLFileManager::getReportPlistPath(olapReport->descriptor());

with the following code:

// Create a report delegate
EAReportDelegateImpl *delegate = [[[EAReportDelegateImpl alloc] initWithOlapReport:olapReport] autorelease];
// Create a dashboard controller
MAExpressAnalysisReportViewController *report = [[[MAExpressAnalysisReportViewController alloc] initWithDelegate:delegate] autorelease];
// Set dashboard controller for the created delegate
delegate.expressReportController = report;

After executing the example the development environment console displays information about express report, express report chart setting parameters, result of comparison of a new express report access permission object with the source object, and also the number of favorite repository objects before and after adding the express report to favorites:

Initial mode of express report data display: Table

Express report access permissions:

Read: allowed

Write: allowed

Delete: allowed

Print: allowed

Comparison of a new express report access permission object with the source object: objects are not equal

Chart parameters contained in the dictionary:

legendOrientation: 3

chartType: 0

legendVisible: true

Screenshot existence: missing

Number of favorite repository objects before adding the report to favorites: 0

Number of favorite repository objects after adding the report to favorites: 1

See also:

Example of Component Use