Getting Express Report Data

Operating system requirements: iOS 5.0 or later.

Mobile device: iPad.


This example displays a bubble chart, sets dimension panel title and then hides the panel. The development environment console displays the following express report data:

Source Code

Executing the example requires to place the following code in the body of the executeExample method of the ViewController class (see the Displaying of Express Report section):

// Get report view controller
MAExpressAnalysisReportViewController *contr = (MAExpressAnalysisReportViewController*)m_controller;
// Determine type of displayed view
MADataViewType viewType = kViewModeBubble;
if([[contr delegate] isBubbleEnabled]){
    if([[contr delegate] mode] != viewType){
        // Display bubble chart
        [contr setDataViewMode:viewType];
        // Inform delegate that controller changed dimension
        [[contr delegate] willSwitchToViewMode:viewType];
        // Inform delegate that controller displayed view
        [[contr delegate] controllerViewDidLoaded];
        // Refresh pivot for building data tables
        [[contr delegate] refreshPivot];
    // Display information about bubble chart data source, settings and state
    BubbleDataViewDatasource *dataSource = (BubbleDataViewDatasource*)[[contr delegate] bubbleDatasource];
    NSDictionary *settings = [[contr delegate] bubbleSettings];
    NSData *state = [[contr delegate] bubbleState];
    NSLog(@"Bubble chart series name: %@", [dataSource seriesTitleWithID:[dataSource seriesIDs][0]]);
    NSLog(@"Bubble chart number format: %@", [[settings valueForKey:@"visualSettings"] valueForKey:@"NumberFormat"]);
    if(state != nil)
        NSLog(@"Size of data describing bubble chart state: %i", [state length]);
// Display information about bubble tree data source and settings
if([[contr delegate] isBubbleTreeEnabled]){
    DataViewDatasource *dataSource = [[contr delegate] bubbleTreeDatasource];
    NSDictionary *settings = [[contr delegate] bubbleTreeSettings];
    NSLog(@"Description of bubble tree data sample: %@", [dataSource dataSelectionTitle]);
    NSLog(@"Number of bubble tree settings: %i", [[settings allKeys] count]);
// Display information about chart data source, settings and state
if([[contr delegate] isChartEnabled]){
    ChartDataViewDatasource *dataSource = (ChartDataViewDatasource*)[[contr delegate] chartDatasource];
    NSDictionary *settings = [[contr delegate] chartSettings];
    NSData *state = [[contr delegate] chartState];
    NSLog(@"Chart series key: %@", [dataSource seriesKeys][0]);
    NSLog(@"Whether chart legend is displayed: %@", [settings valueForKey:@"legendVisible"]);
    if(state != nil)
        NSLog(@"Size of data describing chart state: %i", [state length]);
// Display information about table data source, settings and state
if([[contr delegate] isGridEnabled]){
    GridDataViewDatasource *dataSource = (GridDataViewDatasource*)[[contr delegate] gridDatasource];
    NSDictionary *settings = [[contr delegate] gridSettings];
    NSData *state = [[contr delegate] gridState];
    NSLog(@"Description of table data sample: %@", [dataSource dataSelectionTitle]);
    NSLog(@"Whether table filter is used: %@", [[settings valueForKey:@"gridFilter"] valueForKey:@"enabled"]);
    if(state != nil)
        NSLog(@"Size of data describing table state: %i", [state length]);
// Display information about map data source, settings and state
if([[contr delegate] isMapEnabled]){
    MapDataViewDatasource *dataSource = (MapDataViewDatasource*)[[contr delegate] mapDatasource];
    NSDictionary *settings = [[contr delegate] mapSettings];
    NSData *state = [[contr delegate] mapState];
    NSLog(@"Name of metric used to determine map element color: %@", [dataSource colorMetricName]);
    NSLog(@"No data color: %@", [[settings valueForKey:@"scale"] valueForKey:@"noDataColor"]);
    // Display information about map and map type
    NSData *topo = [[contr delegate] mapTopobase];
    NSData *bubbleTopo = [[contr delegate] mapBubbleTopobase];
    EAMapType mapType = [[contr delegate] mapType];
    if(state != nil)
        NSLog(@"Size of data describing table state: %i", [state length]);
    if(topo != nil)
        NSLog(@"Map data size: %i", [topo length]);
    if(bubbleTopo != nil)
        NSLog(@"Apple map data size: %i", [bubbleTopo length]);
    switch (mapType) {
        case EAMapSVG:
            NSLog(@"Map is presented in SVG format");
        case EAMapOpenGL:
            NSLog(@"Map is presented as a triangulated map");
        case EAMapBubble:
            NSLog(@"Map is presented as an Apple map");
// Display information about tree map data source, settings and state
if([[contr delegate] isTreeMapEnabled]){
    DataViewDatasource *dataSource = [[contr delegate] treeMapDatasource];
    NSDictionary *settings = [[contr delegate] treeMapSettings];
    NSLog(@"Description of tree map data sample: %@", [dataSource dataSelectionTitle]);
    NSLog(@"Number of tree map settings: %i", [[settings allKeys] count]);
// Display report title
NSLog(@"Report title: %@", [[contr delegate] olapTitle]);
// Display number of dimensions
NSLog(@"Number of panel dimensions: %i", [[[contr delegate] dimensionsPanel] dimensionsCount]);
// Display current view index
NSLog(@"Current view index: %i", [[[contr delegate] expressReportController] selectedDataViewControllerIndex]);
// Hide dimension panel
[[contr splitViewController] setFirstViewVisible:NO];
// Set dimension panel title
[[contr panelViewController] setPanelTitle:@"Dimension panel"];

After executing the example the bubble chart is displayed, the dimension panel title is set, after that the panel is hidden. The development environment console displays express report data:

Name of a bubble chart series: SAR

Format of bubble chart numbers: #,##0.00

Chart series key: 0

Whether chart legend is displayed: true

Description of table data sample: GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2005 international $)

Whether table filter is used: true

Name of metric used to determine map element color: GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2005 international $)

No data color: #BFBFBF

Map data size: 1883755

Apple map data size: 92408

Map is presented as a triangulated map

Report title: OLAP

Number of panel dimensions: 3

Current view index: 3

See also:

Example of Component Use