

The MAGridDataViewController class is used to work with a data view as a table.

Inheritance Hierarchy






Supported Protocols








gridDatasource. Data source.

startupSelection. Table start selection area.

Properties inherited from <MADataViewControllerProtocol>

barButtonItems. Determines array of buttons for executing operations on the view controller.

dataViewTitle. Determines view title.

delegate. Determines the object executing delegated operations on the view controller.

hasAppeared. Determines whether controller displayed data.

hasControls. Determines whether there are view controls.

hasSettingsController. Determines whether there is a view settings controller.

isAvailable. Determines whether view controller is available for interaction.

isDataViewTitleVisible. Determines view title visibility.

isDoingCalculations. Determines whether controller executes calculations.

settingsController. Determines view settings controller.

tag. It is a controller property used to store additional custom data.

title. Determines view controller title.

view. Controller view.


gridSelection. Returns table selection area.

initWithDatasource:. Creates an instance of the MAGridDataViewController class based on the specified data source.

initWithDatasource:themeUid:. Creates an instance of the MAGridDataViewController class based on the specified data source and color scheme identifier.

noStartupSelection. Returns whether table start selection area.

setCollapsedExpandersAtStartup:. Sets an array of coordinates of collapsed grid expanders.

setHeight:toRow:. Sets specified row height.

setNoStartupSelection:. Determines whether grid selection selection area exists.

setWidth:toColumn:. Sets specified column width.

Methods inherited from <DataViewDatasourceDelegate>

dataSourceUpdated:withReason:. Handles delegate message about event occurred in the data source.

Methods inherited from <MADataViewControllerProtocol>

canGeneratePDFContent. Returns whether view contents can be generated as a PDF file.

captureScreenshotToContext:. Displays screenshot in specified drawing context.

generatePDFWithCompletionBlock:. Generates view contents as a PDF file.

loadState. Loads view state.

reloadData. Reloads source data.

saveState. Saves view state.

screenshot. Returns controller contents screenshot.

settingsControllerClosed:. Closes settings bar.

startInteraction. Locks user interaction with controller.

stopInteraction. Unlocks user interaction with controller.

updateDataWithGridSelection. Refreshes data after setting of selection.

Methods inherited from <NuGridUpdateObserver>

afterUpdate. Called after an update.

beforeUpdate. Called before an update.

See also:

Classes. The Mobile Application Component