WebForms Assembly Interfaces

  Interface Brief description
IWebButton The IWebButton interface contains properties and methods of the Button web form component.
IWebCheckBox The IWebCheckBox interface contains properties and methods of the CheckBox web form component.
IWebComboBox The IWebComboBox interface contains properties and methods of the ComboBox web form component.
IWebCommandEventArgs The IWebCommandEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the OnCommand event that occurs when a command is sent to the web form.
IWebComponent The IWebComponent interface is a basic one for all visual and non-visual components of a web form.
IWebControl The IWebControl interface contains basic properties and methods of all visual components of a web form.
IWebDimensionCombo The IWebDimensionCombo interface contains properties and methods of the DimensionCombo web form component.
IWebDimensionTree The IWebDimensionTree interface contains properties and methods of the DimensionTree web form component.
IWebFileDialog The IWebFileDialog interface contains basic properties and methods of the components that implement various dialog boxes.
IWebFileOpenDialog The IWebFileOpenDialog interface contains properties and methods of the FileOpenDialog web form component.
IWebFileSaveDialog The IWebFileSaveDialog interface contains properties and methods of the FileSaveDialog web form component.
IWebFormComponent The IWebFormComponent interface contains properties and methods of a web form as a development environment component.
IWebInput The IWebInput interface contains properties and methods of the Input web form component.
IWebLabel The IWebLabel interface contains properties and methods of the Label web form component.
IWebPanel The IWebPanel interface contains properties and methods of the Panel web form component.
IWebRadioButton The IWebRadioButton interface contains properties and methods of the RadioButton web form component.
IWebReportBox The IWebReportBox interface contains properties and methods of the ReportBox web form component.
IWebTextArea The IWebTextArea interface contains properties and methods of the TextArea web form component.
IWebTreeCombo The IWebTreeCombo interface contains properties and methods of the TreeCombo web form component.
IWebTreeControl The IWebTreeControl interface contains basic properties and methods of components displaying tree-like hierarchical structures.
IWebTreeList The IWebTreeList interface contains properties and methods of the TreeList web form component.
IWebTreeNode The IWebTreeNode interface is used to work with a tree node.
IWebTreeNodes The IWebTreeNodes interface is used to work with a collection of tree nodes.
IWebTreeSelection The IWebTreeSelection interface is used to work with the collection of selected nodes.

See also:

WebForms Assembly Enumerations | WebForms Assembly Classes