WebForms Assembly Classes

  Class Brief description
WebButton The WebButton class implements the Button web form component.
WebCheckBox The WebCheckBox class implements the CheckBox web form component.
WebComboBox The WebComboBox class implements the ComboBox web form component.
WebDimensionCombo The WebDimensionCombo class implements the DimensionCombo web form component.
WebDimensionTree The WebDimensionTree class implements the DimensionTree web form component.
WebFileOpenDialog The WebFileOpenDialog class implements the FileOpenDialog web form component.
WebFileSaveDialog The WebFileSaveDialog class implements the FileSaveDialog web form component.
WebForm The WebForm class implements a web form.
WebInput The WebInput class implements the Input web form component.
WebLabel The WebLabel class implements the Label web form component.
WebPanel The WebPanel class implements the Panel web form component.
WebRadioButton The WebRadioButton class implements the RadioButton web form component.
WebReportBox The WebReportBox class implements the ReportBox web form component.
WebTextArea The WebTextArea class implements the TextArea web form component.
WebTreeCombo The WebTreeCombo class implements the TreeCombo web form component.
WebTreeList The WebTreeList class implements the TreeList web form component.

See also:

WebForms Assembly Interfaces | WebForms Assembly Enumerations