Handling Report Events

One of the methods for expanding reports functionality is handling events occurred when the user works with a report.

An event handler enables the user to execute a specified operation each time the event occurs. For example, on connecting an event handling unit, the following options become available:

Regular reports enable the user to set up handling of the events that occur:

Main purpose of connection of application macros and event handlers:

Signature of the specified macro can contain parameters.

Working with Report Events

To connect an event handling unit, click the Connect Unit button on the Development ribbon tab. A repository objects selection dialog box opens.

To work with an event handler, click the Event Handling button on the Development ribbon tab and select one of the operations:

To set up event handling, click the button at the bottom right corner of the Units button group on the Development ribbon tab. The Report Units and Event Handling dialog box opens. This dialog box has the following tabs:

See also:

Getting Started with the Reports Tool in the Web Application | Data Visualization as Charts