How to Control Element Versions?

Version control of MDM dictionary can be set up only in the desktop application.

An MDM dictionary is considered a version one if version history is logged for element values. Value actual range - dates of start and end of action - is specified for each dictionary element.

Element version may change after entering new values of element attributes and on moving of element by dictionary hierarchy, as well as on moving of element under a new parent element.

Dictionary version enables the user to:

Setting Up MDM Version Dictionary

To set up MDM dictionary version control, select the Elements can Change in Time checkbox on the Description tab.

After that it is possible to set actual range of dictionary elements. When working with dictionary elements the Actuality Date parameter is available on the Dictionary Elements tab.

When changing of actuality date the tree of elements is rebuilt according to the selected value.

Features of setting up MDM dictionary version control:

NOTE. Discretionary and mandatory access permissions for MDM dictionary elements do not support version control. When permissions for elements of MDM dictionaries are changed, a new version of elements is not created. Regardless of elements version, only actual permissions are taken, that is, the latest of the set permissions.

Creating a New Element Version

To create a new version if dictionary element, execute the following operations:

  1. In the Actuality Date parameter specify the date of creating a new element version.

  2. Edit attribute of the selected element, which can be changed in time.

For example, the Irbis company changed its name after 11/26/2023 to Sirius. After executing all mentioned operations, the dictionary created a new version fir the Irbis dictionary element:

Set Element's Actual Period

Consider setting of element's actual period in the example of an MDM dictionary, to which table data is imported (names of countries and dates, when their names were changed):

For example:

Before element version is enabled, the MDM dictionary displays names of the countries before and after renaming:

To set up dictionary version control, select the Elements can Change in Time checkbox and the Generate Elements' Actual Periods Manually checkbox on the Description tab.

Next, choose an element with the least actual period ("Burma") and execute a set of actions to change existing dictionary element versions:

  1. On the Dictionary Elements tab in the Actuality Date parameter set the date, after which a dictionary element is changed: 01.01.1990.

  2. Open the Burma dictionary element for edit.

  3. In the Dictionary Element Properties dialog box that opens change the required dictionary element attribute. In this case rename Burma to Myanmar.

  4. Refresh the element tree.

The element tree displays two dictionary elements with equal names, for one of which the extended history of element versions is displayed in the Possible Element Attribute Values area:

Now, depending on the set value in the Actuality Date parameter, name of a dictionary element is changed.

If the 01.01.1986 date is set, the dictionary displays the elements:


Working with Version Dictionaries

The following operations are available for the selected element in the version dictionary:

Change element's actual period manually

Sort element attributes by actual periods

See also:

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