The advanced settings dialog box in the desktop application opens by clicking the corresponding button on the Database Properties page. Advanced parameters set can be different according to the DBMS type.
Advanced settings for PostgreSQL server:
DBMS is Case Sensitive. Select the checkbox to work with the repository, objects and their fields in DBMS with different capitalization in their physical name.
NOTE. If the DBMS is Case Sensitive checkbox is selected, database objects will be available only on specifying their exact physical name.
If the checkbox is deselected, repository name, identifiers of objects and their fields in DBMS will be converted into lower case during platform addressing to the server.
TIP. To work with business process objects without taking into account case, it is recommended to install the Business Process Management extension twice - with selected and deselected DBMS Case is Sensitive checkbox.
Use GSS API. When the checkbox is selected, PostgreSQL server authentication can be used by the GSS API mechanism. The checkbox can be selected only if the Authentication Type: Integrated Domain is selected on the Database Properties page.
Kerberos Service. The Kerberos service is used together with GSS API. GSS API enables the use of various Kerberos implementations without modifying application code. The Kerberos service name, that is determined in PostgreSQL server settings, must be specified in the box. For details about Kerberos API see the product's official site.
Advanced settings for Oracle server:
OS Users Name Format. This parameter is used when permissions are granted on the DBMS level. It is taken into account during connection and database operations. If prefix before user names is set for the server (the OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX parameter), it must be specified in this box. When the domain authentication is used, it may require to specify the user names format because Foresight Analytics Platform uses the following name format for domain authentication: DOMAIN\USER_NAME. To create format, you can use static text and the following tags:
$User. User name.
$Domain. Domain name.
$FullDomain. Full domain name.
$FullDomainUser. Full domain user name (includes user name and full domain name separated with the @ character).
NOTE. Tags are case-sensitive.
Format examples:
In this format user name looks as follows: IVANOV@EXAMPLE.COM.
User name looks as follows: EXAMPLE@IVANOV.
In this format user name looks as follows: IVANOV@EXAMPLE.WORLD.COM.
In this format user name looks as follows: IVANOV@EXAMPLE.WORLD.COM.
Advanced settings for Microsoft SQL Server:
Connection String. By default the connection string includes system global variable %METABASE_ODBCPARAMS%. Using ODBC driver the variable is to store additional connection parameters specified in the connection string when setting up a repository. If required, specify additional connection parameters manually.
To use the OLE DB driver, specify the %METABASE_OLEDBPARAMS% global variable in the connection string. The variable is used to store additional connection parameters, which are specified manually. Supported settings in different versions of OLE DB driver may differ. For details see Microsoft documentation.
DBMS is Case Sensitive. Select the checkbox to work with the repository, objects and their fields in DBMS with different capitalization in their physical name.
NOTE. If the DBMS is Case Sensitive checkbox is selected, database objects will be available only on specifying their exact physical name.
If the checkbox is deselected, repository name, identifiers of objects and their fields in DBMS will be converted into lower case during platform addressing to the server.
TIP. To work with business process objects without taking into account case, it is recommended to install the Business Process Management extension twice - with selected and deselected DBMS Case is Sensitive checkbox.
Advanced settings for Microsoft SQL Server (ODBC):
Connection String. By default, the connection string includes system global variable %METABASE_ODBCPARAMS%. The variable is used to store additional connection parameters specified in the connection string, using ODBC driver, when setting up a repository. If required, specify additional connection parameters manually.
DBMS is Case Sensitive. Select the checkbox to work with the repository, objects and their fields in DBMS with different capitalization in their physical name.
NOTE. If the DBMS is Case Sensitive checkbox is selected, database objects will be available only on specifying their exact physical name.
If the checkbox is deselected, repository name, identifiers of objects and their fields in DBMS will be converted into lower case during platform addressing to the server.
TIP. To work with business process objects without taking into account case, it is recommended to install the Business Process Management extension twice - with selected and deselected DBMS Case is Sensitive checkbox.
See also:
Connecting to Another Repository