Translating Express Reports Titles

The express report title can support several user interface languages, for example, Russian and English. Such titles are named multilingual.

For details about setting up express report title see the Setting Up Title as Interactive Control section.

NOTE. Multilingual titles are available with the use of the Fore language. If the title is multilingual, the title is set up for the current repository language.

To translate express report title into other languages:

  1. Open the Analytical Queries (OLAP) tool.

  2. Select the title display mode in the Title button drop-down menu on the Home or View express report ribbon tab.

  3. In the navigator create the Resources object with the RESOURCE identifier containing the title translation, for example:

  1. Execute unit to use multilingual title in express reports.

Executing unit requires that repository contains an express report with the EXPRESS identifier and a resource with the RESOURCE identifier.

Add links to the Metabase, Express, and IO system assemblies.

Sub UserProc;
    MB: IMetabase;
    Resource: IResourceObject;
    Object: IMetabaseObject;
    Express: IEaxAnalyzer;
    MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
// Get resource with title translation
    Resource := MB.ItemById("EXPRESS").Bind As IResourceObject;
// Get express report
    Object := MB.ItemById("RESOURCE").Edit;
    Express := Object 
As IEaxAnalyzer;
// Set resource for express report
    Express.Resources := Resource;
// Enable using multilingual title
    Express.SupportMultiLanguage := True;
    // Save changes
End Sub UserProc;

After changing repository language for the current user to the specified translation language, the express report will display multilingual title according to the translation in resources.

See also:

Setting Up Multilingual Options | Translating Resources