The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.

Selecting and Setting Up Visualizer Data Source

To select and set up a visualizer data source, there is the Data Sources tab on the side panel.

Cubes, child cubes of modeling container and time series database are available as a source. External data sources can be added by means of the data import wizard.

To display the tab

The tab displays all data sources in the repository available for the visualizer. For example:

Select the required data source in the object tree. The following is available for the selected data source:

If the selected data source is already used by the other visualizer, visualizer dimensions can be synchronized. This will enable the user to manage selection in several visualizers at a time. Use the Dimension Synchronization tab to determine dimension synchronization parameters.

Additional operations:

Select the type of loaded data

Display data from several sources in the visualizer

Add an external data source

Edit data source

Data source search

Reload data to source

For detailed description of working with data source dimensions see the Working with Dimensions section.

See also:

Inserting and Setting Up Visualizers