Installing Foresight Analytics Platform Web Application on Linux OS (PostgreSQL DBMS)

Installing Foresight Analytics Platform web application in Linux OS is executed using a special script, which automatically installs web application components using PostgreSQL.

The script is available for the following Linux OS versions:

NOTE. To get the script, contact technical support by sending a request to or use technical support services, which are available after registration at the website.

To install the web application:

  1. Grant access permissions to execute the script as the root user. Specify script name without extension according to OS version instead of the <script name> substitute:

chmod +x <script name>.sh

The example of the command for Astra Linux SE 1.7:

chmod +x

  1. Run the script. Specify script name without extension according to OS version instead of the <script name> substitute:

./<script name>.sh

NOTE. The script contains predefined parameters of the web application with default values. See the list of web application parameters and if required replace default values before running the script.

After executing the operation the dialog utility is installed to display the installation graphic interface, and the dialog box opens for selecting web application component setup type.

  1. Select the web application component setup type:

After executing the operations, web application components are installed depending on the selected setup type:

Component Result
PostgreSQL DBMS back end After one of the following setup types is selected: Install All Components (PostgreSQL DBMS), BI Server with PostgreSQL Client, BI Server and Web Server with PostgreSQL Client or PostgreSQL DBMS, a PostgreSQL repository will be added for the OS in use and PostgreSQL 11 will be installed.
BI server

After one of the following installation types is selected: Install All Components (PostgreSQL DBMS), BI Server with PostgreSQL Client or BI Server and Web Server with PostgreSQL Client, the directories will be created:

  • /opt/foresight/fp10.x-biserver. Main files of BI server

  • /etc/apache2-fp10.x. Configuration files of the Apache2 instance with BI server for Astra Linux.

  • /etc/httpd-fp10.x. Configuration files of the Apache2 instance with web server for RED OS and Rocky Linux.

  • /etc/httpd2-fp10.x. Configuration files of the Apache2 instance with BI server for ALT Linux.

When installing BI server, a request is formed to get computer locking code to create a perpetual license. If the answer is Yes, the computer locking code is displayed and saved to the locking_code.txt file. The file is created at the script level.

Features of BI server installation:

  • When the full setup type is selected, the DBMS back end is prepared, a new database (METABASE_DBNAME) and a new repository (METABASE_ID) are created.

  • When the custom setup type is selected, a permission to create a new database (METABASE_DBNAME) and a new repository (METABASE_ID) is requested on the DBMS server (DATABASE_SERVER). To create a database and a repository, the PG_ADMIN_ROLE and PG_ADMIN_PASSWORD variables should contain credentials of DBMS administrators corresponding to the server.

If required, execute the command to manage BI server:

  • Astra Linux:

sudo systemctl start/restart/stop apache2-fp10.x

  • RED OS and Rocky Linux:

sudo systemctl start/restart/stop httpd-fp10.x

  • ALT Linux:

sudo systemctl start/restart/stop httpd2-fp10.x

Web server

After one of the following installation types is selected: Install All Components (PostgreSQL DBMS), Web Server, or BI Server and Web Server with PostgreSQL Client, the directories will be created:

  • /opt/foresight/fp10.x-webserver. Main files of web server.

  • /etc/opt/foresight/fp10.x-webserver. The additional configuration file envvars of web server instance to set Apache2 environment variables

  • /etc/apache2-fp10.x-web. Configuration files of the Apache2 instance with web server for Astra Linux.

  • /etc/httpd-fp10.x-web. Configuration files of the Apache2 instance with web server for RED OS and Rocky Linux.

  • /etc/httpd2-fp10.x-web. Configuration files of the Apache2 instance with web server for ALT Linux.

If required, execute the command to to manage web server:

  • Astra Linux:

sudo systemctl start/restart/stop apache2-fp10.x-web

  • RED OS and Rocky Linux:

sudo systemctl start/restart/stop httpd-fp10.x-web

  • ALT Linux:

sudo systemctl start/restart/stop httpd2-fp10.x-web

License server

After the License Server setup type is selected, the following will be created:

  • /opt/lserv. License server files

  • lserv64. A service to manage the license server.

If required, execute the command to manage the license server:

sudo systemctl start/restart/stop lserv64

Changing Web Application Parameter Values

To change web application parameter values that should differ from default values, open the script for edit. Web application parameters are used as variables in the following script block:

############## Variables that can be changed

# Licensing type - the LSFORCEHOST variable in the file /opt/foresight/fp10.x-biserver/etc/envvars

SET_LSFORCEHOST="NO-NET"    # to determine a license application order (stand-alone or network)

# Repository identifier


# IP address or DNS name of DBMS server database


# DBMS server port


Configuration of the pg_hba.conf user authentication file.

PG_HBA_CONNECTION_STRING="host    all    all    md5"

# File with repository source data


# Credentials of PostgreSQL administrator role



# Credentials of schema owner



# Credentials of service user



# Database identifier


# Directory containing BI server and web server distribution files


# Directory containing license server distribution files


# Log file of installation process


Description of variables:

NOTE. The P4AUDIT service user name is reserved by the system and cannot be used.

See also:

Installing and Setting Up Foresight Analytics Platform