Setting Up the Number of Displayed Credentials

Setting up the number of displayed credentials is available for the following versions of Foresight Mobile Platform: 21.02.005, 21.04.004, 21.10.003, 22.04.002 or later.

By default, the administrator console displays all user credentials added manually or imported from LDAP:

IMPORTANT. The number of displayed user credentials affects the administrator console performance and the speed of loading the appropriate list. Set up experimentally the number of displayed credentials depending on allocated computer system resources.

To set up the number of displayed credentials use the DATASOURCE_LIST_LIMIT parameter in the administrator console:

  1. Set the number of displayed credentials in the .env file:

DATASOURCE_LIST_LIMIT = <number of displayed credentials>

The parameter is set to 0 by default, all credentials are displayed.

  1. Restart the hyperhive_hhive_1 container:

% docker container restart hyperhive_hhive_1

If on installing Foresight Mobile Platform a fault-tolerant cluster based on OKD/OCP is created, execute the following operations:

    1. Open the Workloads > Deployments subsection.

    2. Select fmp-dashboard in the mobile platform project, for example, fmp:

    1. Go to the Environment tab:

    1. Set the number of displayed credentials as a value of the DATASOURCE_LIST_LIMIT parameter:

After executing the operations the administrator console displays the specified number of user credentials with alphabetic sorting.

NOTE. If after the constraint is set, the list does not display the required credentials, return the 0 value of the DATASOURCE_LIST_LIMIT parameter or increase the number of displayed credentials.

value: "<number of displayed credentials>"

The parameter is set to 0 by default, all credentials are displayed.

oc apply -f deployments/dashboard.yaml

See. also:

Installing and Setting Up Foresight Mobile Platform | Administration and Access Control