Method for Managing Passwords

To manage passwords, execute requests using the "password-settings" API method (determine administrator token before executing the request):

curl -v '<IP address or DNS server name>/api/v2/security/password-settings/' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <administrator token>'

The example of response:

    "min_password_length": 5,
    "is_both_register_in_password": true,
    "is_digits_in_password": false,
    "is_spec_chars_in_password": true,
    "min_password_ttl": 15,
    "max_password_ttl": 31,
    "char_difference_with_old_password": 5,
    "number_of_old_password": 2

curl -X PUT -v '<IP address or DNS server name>/api/v2/security/password-settings/' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <administrator token>' -d '{
    "min_password_length": <Minimum password length in characters>,
    "is_both_register_in_password": <indicates whether password should contain letters of different case (true/false)>,
    "is_digits_in_password": <indicates whether password should contain numbers (true/false)>,
    "is_spec_chars_in_password": <indicates whether password should contain special characters (true/false)>,
    "min_password_ttl": <minimum password validity period in days>,
    "max_password_ttl": <maximum password validity period in days>,
    "char_difference_with_old_password": <number of different characters in old and new password>,
    "number_of_old_password": <number of new passwords that may match with previous ones>

The example of response:

    "min_password_length": 5,
    "is_both_register_in_password": true,
    "is_digits_in_password": false,
    "is_spec_chars_in_password": true,
    "min_password_ttl": 10,
    "max_password_ttl": 15,
    "char_difference_with_old_password": 5,
    "number_of_old_password": 2

See also:

Server API