Restoring Interaction Between Mobile Platform Server and External LDAP System

Incorrect interaction between a mobile platform server and an external LDAP system is characterized with errors during authentication of users from LDAP directory.

To restore interaction between a mobile platform server and an external LDAP system:

  1. Open the LDAP Settings subsection.

  2. Check the set parameters of connection to LDAP using the Check Connection button. If the answer is yes, the Connected green button is displayed; if the answer is no, the Connection Error red button is displayed. If a connection error occurred, check internet connection or LDAP connection parameters.

NOTE. A positive answer during check of connection means that the mobile platform successfully exchanges messages with LDAP directory under the user account.

  1. Check connection with LDAP directory using test adding an API user if connection check failed at Step 2. When adding an API user and selecting the LDAP Server authentication type, the Login box should display a drop-down list when entering user login with allowed substitutions. If substitution options are displayed, connection with LDAP directory is established.

  2. Synchronize information about existing users between LDAP and the platform using the Synchronization button. If the answer is yes, the Successful green button is displayed; if the answer is no, the Unsuccessful red button is displayed. If synchronization failed, check Internet connection or LDAP connection parameters.

TIP. Set up synchronization schedule for automatic information exchange.

  1. Check availability of LDAP from the server, on which the mobile platform is installed, if LDAP connection parameters are correct but the connection fails. To check network availability, it is recommended to use the Telnet utility.

After executing the operations, the interaction between a mobile platform server and an external LDAP system is restored and information about users is synchronized:

See. also:

System Error Monitoring