Monte Carlo Method

The method is used to calculate the VaR model.

Select distribution type for each financial instrument used in calculations:

Financial instruments may have various distributions.

Depending on the distribution, correlate random values are generated for each financial instrument. Matrix of generated random values:

R = ǁRk,jǁ


Calculation formula Rk,j depends on the distribution type:

Rk,j - pseudo-random normally distributed value with the average bj and the spread dj.

Rk,j - t-value of the Student's distribution with the random probability (0 to 1) and the degree of freedom equal to 2.

Rk,j - pseudo-random chi-square distributed number with the degree of freedom equal to 1.

The following is calculated for each financial instrument included into yield matrix:

If means are ignored, zj is always assumed to be equal to zero.

Auxiliary values are calculated to generate the values Rk,j:

A random value t in the interval from 0 to 1 is generated for each k.

If , then Rk,j is exponential distribution with intensity.

If , then Rk,j is equal to zero, otherwise Rk,j is exponential distribution with intensity.

Rk,j - pseudo-random variable that follows the Weibull distribution with the parameters dj and bj, namely, the value , where p is a pseudo-random variable uniformly distributed at the interval between 0 and 1.

Rk,j - inverse gamma distribution with random probability p (from 0 to 1).

Rk,j - random variable uniformly distributed between the beginning of the interval dj (inclusive) and the end of the interval dj (exclusive).

- means of financial instruments.

- standard deviations based on the sample of financial instruments.

If the Cholesky factorization is used, the H Cholesky matrix is generated based on the COR correlation matrix. Each row of the R matrix is multiplied by the Cholesky matrix following the rules of multiplication for a row vector and a matrix. The obtained vector replaces a row of the R matrix.

VaR is calculated using historical method, but the R generated matrix is used instead of yield matrix.

The output parameter is the matrix VaR = ǁVaRlǁ, that contains VaR of portfolio of each organization included into calculations.

See also:
