Matrix Assembly Interfaces

  Interface Brief description
IAggrDestCell The IAggrDestCell interface is used to work with a specific aggregated element.
IAggregationInfo The IAggregationInfo interface is used to get aggregation information.
IAggregationInfoItem The IAggregationInfoItem interface is used to get information about aggregated elements.
IAggrSourceCell The IAggrSourceCell interface is used to work with a specific source element used on aggregated element calculation.
IBasicMatrixAggregator The IBasicMatrixAggregator interface contains properties and methods that determine parameters of the basic aggregation mechanism.
IBasicMatrixLevelAggregator The IBasicMatrixLevelAggregator interface contains properties that determine parameters of a basic aggregation mechanism on the specified dimension level.
IChronologicalMatrixAggregator The IChronologicalMatrixAggregator interface contains properties and methods that determine parameters of chronological aggregation mechanism.
IChronologicalMatrixLevelAggregator The IChronologicalMatrixLevelAggregator interface contains properties that determine parameters of chronological aggregation mechanism by the specified level.
IMatrix The IMatrix interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a data matrix.
IMatrixAggregatorManager The IMatrixAggregatorManager interface contains the method that is used to create an object with aggregation settings.
IMatrixAggregatorModel The IMatrixAggregatorModel interface contains basic properties and methods of different data aggregation mechanisms.
The IMatrixAggregatorModelHierarchies interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with aggregation by alternative hierarchy levels.
IMatrixCoord The IMatrixCoord interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a matrix element's coordinate.
IMatrixDataSource The IMatrixDataSource interface contains properties and methods of the object that is abstract multidimensional data source.
IMatrixDataSourceExecutor The IMatrixDataSourceExecutor interface contains methods that are used to work with multidimensional data source data.
IMatrixDataSourceExecutorCache The IMatrixDataSourceExecutorCache interface contains properties and methods of an object that is cache of multidimensional data source.
IMatrixDataSourceExecutorSetup The IMatrixDataSourceExecutorSetup interface contains properties that are used to determine calculation parameters of output matrix of multidimensional data source.
IMatrixEx The IMatrixEx interface is used to work with advanced parameters of data matrix.
IMatrixExtendInfo The IMatrixExtendInfo interface is used to work with advanced parameters of data matrix.
IMatrixFactory The IMatrixFactory interface is used to create a matrix.
IMatrixIterator The IMatrixIterator interface contains properties and methods of a data matrix iterator.
IMatrixQuery The IMatrixQuery interface is used to get information about matrix data.
IMatrixQueryFilter The IMatrixQueryFilter interface is used to set up matrix filtering.
IMatrixQueryFilterRange The IMatrixQueryFilterRange interface is used to work with filtering range of matrix queries.
IMatrixQueryFilterRanges The IMatrixQueryFilterRanges interface is used to work with the collection of matrix filtering ranges.
IMatrixQueryResult The IMatrixQueryResult interface is used to work with data search results in matrix.
IMatrixTransformer The IMatrixTransformer interface is used to work with matrix transformer.
IMatrixTransformerDimension The IMatrixTransformerDimension interface is used to work with matrix transformer time dimension
IMatrixTransformerDimensions The IMatrixTransformerDimensions interface is used to work with the collection of matrix transformer time dimensions.
IMatrixWithAggregationInfo The IMatrixWithAggregationInfo interface is used to work with aggregated data.
IMatrixWritableProxy The IMatrixWritableProxy interface is used to work with proxy object of matrix.
IValueChangeCallback The IValueChangeCallback interface contains methods implementing matrix events.

See also:

Matrix Assembly Enumerations | Matrix Assembly Classes