Matrix Assembly Enumerations

  Enumeration Brief description
AggrMatrixValueOrigin The AggrMatrixValueOrigin enumeration is used to determine a source element value source on aggregation execution.
BasicAggregatorOperation The BasicAggregatorOperation enumeration is used to determine a method for calculating basic aggregation mechanism.
ChronologicalAggregatorOperation The ChronologicalAggregatorOperation enumeration is used to determine a method for calculating chronological aggregation.
ExistingDataPreserveMethod The ExistingDataPreserveMethod enumeration is used to determine a method for saving disaggregated data.
IgnoreNullsState The IgnoreNullsState enumeration contains method of empty values treatment on data aggregation.
MatrixType The MatrixType enumeration is used to determine a type of output data matrix.

See also:

Matrix Assembly Interfaces | Matrix Assembly Classes