ExtCtrls Assembly Classes

The following object classes are determined within the ExtCtrls assembly:

  Class Brief description
CalcCubeFormulaEdit The CalcCubeFormulaEdit class implements the CalcCubeFormulaEdit development environment component that is used to create and edit calculated cube formulas.
CalcCubeFormulaEditEventArgs The CalcCubeFormulaEditEventArgs class implements argument of the event when a term corresponding to cube coordinate is created.
CalcCubeFormulaEditEx The CalcCubeFormulaEditEx class implements the CalcCubeFormulaEditEx development environment component that is used to create and edit calculated cube formulas and that has changes in implementation.
DataGrid The DataGrid class implements the DataGrid development environment component that displays and edits data grouped in table.
DataGridBandEventArgs The DataGridBandEventArgs class implements argument of the events connected with the DataGrid component band.
DataGridBeforeCellChangeEventArgs The DataGridBeforeCellChangeEventArgs class implements argument of the event before assignment of a new value to a cell.
DataGridCellAfterEditEventArgs The DataGridCellAfterEditEventArgs class implements argument of the event after editing cell value.
DataGridCellBeforeEditEventArgs The DataGridCellBeforeEditEventArgs class implements argument of the event before editing cell value.
DataGridCellChangeEventArgs The DataGridCellChangeEventArgs class implements argument of the event after changing cell value.
DataGridCellEventArgs The DataGridCellEventArgs class creates an argument of the events related to table cells.
DataGridCellStyleEventArgs The DataGridCellStyleEventArgs class implements the argument of the event occurring on drawing table cell.
DataGridColumnEventArgs The DataGridColumnEventArgs class implements argument of the events that occur for any column of the DataGrid component.
DataGridCompareEventArgs The DataGridCompareEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs on comparison of column values within custom sorting of the DataGrid component.
DataGridRowStyleEventArgs The DataGridRowStyleEventArgs class implements argument of the event when drawing table row.
DBComboBox The DBComboBox class implements the DBComboBox development environment component that displays and edits data organized as a combobox.
DBEditBox The DBEditBox class implements the DBEditBox development environment component functioning as single-string editor connected to data source field.
DBListBox The DBListBox class implements the DBListBox development environment component that edits and displays data in the form of string list of equal length.
DBLookupComboBox The DBLookupComboBox class implements the DBLookupComboBox development environment component that edits data by using the values formed from the element of the other data set and displayed as a combobox.
DBLookupListBox The DBLookupListBox class implements the DBLookupListBox development environment component that edits data by using the values formed from the elements of another data set and displayed as string list.
DBMemo The DBMemo class implements the DBMemo development environment component that displays and edits data in multistring text editor.
DimensionAllowActionEventArgs The DimensionAllowActionEventArgs class implements argument of the events before changing view of child elements tree node.
DimensionColumnEventArgs The DimensionColumnEventArgs class implements argument of the event when the column of the DimensionCombo and DimensionTree components is clicked.
DimensionCombo The DimensionCombo class implements the DimensionCombo development environment component used to display dictionary elements viewed as a drop-down list.
DimensionComboEventArgs The DimensionComboEventArgs class implements argument of the DimensionCombo component events.
DimensionComboRollUpEventArgs The DimensionComboRollUpEventArgs class implements argument of the event on collapsing drop-down list of the DimensionCombo component.
DimensionNodeCheckedEventArgs The DimensionNodeCheckedEventArgs class implements argument of the event after changing checkbox selection state of the DimensionCombo and DimensionTree component element.
DimensionNodeCheckingEventArgs The DimensionNodeCheckingEventArgs class implements argument of the event before changing checkbox selection state of the DimensionCombo and DimensionTreecomponent component element.
DimensionNodeColumnEventArgs The DimensionNodeColumnEventArgs class implements argument of the events for the tree elements within any component column.
DimensionNodeEventArgs The DimensionNodeEventArgs class implements argument of the events when working with tree elements of the DimensionCombo and DimensionTree components.
DimensionNodeGetImageEventArgs The DimensionNodeGetImageEventArgs class implements argument of the event when element image of the DimensionCombo and DimensionTree components tree is received.
DimensionTree The DimensionTree class implements the DimensionTreed development environment component used to display dictionary data as a tree.
DimensionViewerCompareEventArgs The DimensionViewerCompareEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs during custom sorting of the DimensionCombo and DimensionTree components.
DimensionViewerEventArgs The DimensionViewerEventArgs class implements argument of the DimensionCombo and DimensionTree component events.
DimensionViewerGetHintEventArgs The DimensionViewerGetHintEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs when a tooltip appears above the element the mouse cursor stopped at.
ExpressionEdit The ExpressionEdit class implements the ExpressionEdit.
ExpressionEditEx The ExpressionEditEx class implements the ExpressionEditEx component.
GlobalImageList The GlobalImageList class implements the GlobalImageList development environment component that loads and saves the icons collection in repository documents.
MetaAttributeBreadcrumbItemEventArgs The MetaAttributeBreadcrumbItemEventArgs class implements argument of the events related to attributes of the time series database the user works with in the MetaAttributeBreadcrumb development environment component.
MetaAttributeParamItemEventArgs The MetaAttributeParamItemEventArgs class implements argument of the event on assigning a parameter to the attribute.
MetaAttributesBreadcrumb The MetaAttributesBreadCrumb class implements the MetaAttributesBreadcrumb development environment component that is used to create a breadcrumb by indicators contained in time series database.
MetaAttributesBreadcrumbDimTreePopupEventArgs The MetaAttributesBreadcrumbDimTreePopupEventArgs class implements arguments of the OnDimTreePopup event that occurs on expanding the list of the MetaAttributesBreadcrumb development environment component.
MetaAttributesEdit The MetaAttributesEdit class implements the MetaAttributesEdit development environment component that is used to create expressions based on series of time series database.
MetaAttributesTreeList The MetaAttributesTreeList class implements the MetaAttributesTreeList development environment component that displays the list of indicators contained in the time series database.
MetabaseDialogAllFilter The MetabaseDialogAllFilter class implements the filter that is used to display all repository objects in the dialog box.
MetabaseDialogClassFilter The MetabaseDialogClassFilter class implements the filter that displays objects of a particular type in the dialog box.
MetabaseDialogCombiFilter The MetabaseDialogCombiFilter class implements combined filter that includes other types of filters.
MetabaseDialogMetaclassFilter The MetabaseDialogMetaclassFilter class implements filter that displays only objects of a particular class in the dialog box.
MetabaseListView The MetabaseListView class implements the MetabaseListView development environment component.
MetabaseListViewAfterSearchEventArgs The MetabaseListViewAfterSearchEventArgs class implements argument of the event occurring for the component if all objects satisfying the specified conditions are searched in the search dialog box.
MetabaseListViewItemPopupEventArgs The MetabaseListViewItemPopupEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs when the context menu is called for the component element.
MetabaseObjectParamsBox The MetabaseObjectParamsBox class implements the MetabaseObjectParamsBox development environment component.
MetabaseOpenDialog The MetabaseOpenDialog class implements the MetabaseOpenDialog development environment component containing dialog box for opening repository object.
MetabaseSaveDialog The MetabaseSaveDialog class implements the MetabaseSaveDialog development environment component containing dialog box for saving repository object.
MetabaseTreeCombo The MetabaseTreeCombo class implements the MetabaseTreeCombo development environment component that is used to display repository object tree as a drop-down list.
MetabaseTreeList The MetabaseTreeList class implements the MetabaseTreeList development environment component that is used to display repository object tree.
MetabaseTreeNodePopupEventArgs The MetabaseTreeNodePopupEventArgs class implements argument of the event when context menu for any tree element of the MetabaseTreeCombo and MetabaseTreeListcomponents components is called.
MetabaseTreeNodeSpecialEventArgs The MetabaseTreeNodeSpecialEventArgs class implements arguments of various events connected with display settings of the MetabaseTreeCombo and MetabaseTreeList components tree elements.
SearchDataSourcesBox The SearchDataSourcesBox class implements the SearchDataSourcesBox development environment component.
SearchDataSourceSelectionChangeEventArgs The SearchDataSourceSelectionChangeEventArgs class implements event argument of the SearchDataSourcesBox component.
UiDataSource The UiDataSource class implements the UiDataSource development environment component that is used to connect data access components with visual components enabling to view and edit data.
UiDataSourceEventArgs The UiDataSourceEventArgs class implements argument of the event when going to other record or editing the current record of data source.
UiDimension The UiDimension class implements the UiDimension development environment component that is used to connect the DimensionTree and DimensionCombo visual components with repository dictionaries.
UiMemoryTable The UiMemoryTable class implements the UiMemoryTable development environment component that is a temporary table with specified fields list stored in PC memory.
UiMetabaseDataset The UiMetabaseDataset class implements the UiMetabaseDataset development environment component permitting access to relational data sources of repository.
UiQuery The UiQuery class implements the UiQuery development environment component that is used to access data by SQL queries.
UiRdsDictionary The UiRdsDictionary class implements the UiRdsDictionary development environment component that grants access to MDM dictionaries data.
UiTable The UiTable class implements the UiTable development environment component that grants access to database tables.

See also:

ExtCtrls Assembly Interfaces | ExtCtrls Assembly Enumerations