

The GlobalImageList class implements the GlobalImageList development environment component that loads and saves the icons collection in repository documents.

Properties inherited from IGlobalImageList

  Property name Brief description
Document The Document property determines the repository document, which is an image source for the component.

Properties inherited from IImageList

  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of images loaded to the component collection.
Height The Height property determines height of the images stored in the component collection.
Item The Item property returns graphic presentation of the specified icon.
Width The Width determines width of the images stored in the component collection.

Properties inherited from IComponent

  Property name Brief description
ComponentCount The ComponentCount property returns the number of child components located on the parent component.
Components The Components property returns a child component, which index is passed via the input parameter.
Data The Data property is used to store any custom data.
Name The Name property determines the component name.
Tag The Tag property is not used by the compiler. The user can change the value of this property and use it at his discretion.

Methods inherited from IImageList

  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds an image to the component collection.
AddIcon The AddIcon method adds an icon to the component collection.
Clear The Clear method clears the component image collection.
LoadFromFile The LoadFromFile method loads an image from file to the component.
LoadFromStream The LoadFromStream method loads an image from stream to the component.
LoadFromStream2 The LoadFromStream2 method loads images from the stream and recovers the information about translucency.
Remove The Remove method removes an image from the collection.
SaveToDoc The SaveToDoc method saves all the images from the component to file.
SaveToStream The SaveToStream method saves all the images from the component to stream.
SaveToStream2 The SaveToStream2 saves the images to the stream with the information about translucency.
SetOverlay The SetOverlay method identifies an image in the list as an image, which can be used as an overlay.

See also:

ExtCtrls Assembly Classes