ExtCtrls Assembly Enumerations

  Enumeration Brief description
AutoFilterType The AutoFilterType enumeration contains variants of using autofilter in the table columns.
DataGridRowSizingMode The DataGridRowSizingMode enumeration contains modes of changing the component row height.
DataGridTotalScope The DataGridTotalScope enumeration contains data types, by which the totals are calculated.
DataGridTotalStyle The DataGridTotalStyle enumeration contains types of totals calculated for the current band.
DimensionViewerNodeState The DimensionViewerNodeState enumeration contains variants of tree element state.
FixedState The FixedState enumeration contains fixed bands, in which an object may be located.
MetaAttributesNodeType The MetaAttributesNodeType enumeration contains the object types to which the MetaAttributesTreeList component element corresponds.
MetabaseDisplayMode The MetabaseDisplayMode enumeration contains modes of displaying objects in a component tree.

See also:

ExtCtrls Assembly Interfaces | ExtCtrls Assembly Classes |