General Principles of Programming Using the Express Assembly

The Express assembly is used to work with express reports and workbooks. Programming in the Fore language using this assembly consists in consecutive creating/opening and setup of express reports and workbooks.

Working with express reports includes the following steps:

  1. Create an express report using the IMetabase.CreateObject method or open the existing one:

  1. Cast the obtained object IMetabaseObject to the IEaxAnalyzer interface using the As operation.

Working with workbooks includes the following steps:

  1. Create a workbook using the IMetabase.CreateObject method or open the existing one:

  1. Cast the obtained object IMetabaseObject to the IEaxAnalyzer interface, then to the IEaxWorkbook interface using the As operation.

See also:

About the Express Assembly | Express Assembly Interfaces | Express Assembly Enumerations | Express Assembly Classes | Examples