
Assembly: Metabase;


The IMetabaseObject interface contains properties and methods of repository object.

Inheritance Hierarchy




  Property name Brief description
CachingMode The CachingMode property sets caching mode.


The EditRequiresAdditionalLicense property determines name of the application feature for protecting repository objects from editing.

IsDirty The IsDirty property returns whether there are changes in a structure of repository object within current connection with DB server.
ParamValues The ParamValues property returns an object that contains parameters values for opening nested objects.

Properties inherited from IMetabaseObjectDescriptor

  Property name Brief description
Attributes The Attributes property returns system and custom attributes of repository object.
Cache The Cache property returns the collection of repository object cache records.
Children The Children property returns the collection of descriptions of repository child objects.
ClassId The ClassId property returns object class identifier.
CommonClassName The CommonClassName property returns the repository object class name in the specified case.
Dependencies The Dependencies property returns the collection of descriptions of the objects, on which the given object depends.
Dependents The Dependents property returns the collection of descriptions of the objects that depend on the given object.
Description The Description property determines an object description (comment).
ElementDependencies The ElementDependencies property returns information about dependencies of this object on the elements of the MDM dictionaries.
ElementDependenciesTrackingType The ElementDependenciesTrackingType property determines a type of the connections tracking.
ElementDependents The ElementDependents property returns information about the dependencies of this object or MDM dictionary element on repository objects.
IconIndex The IconIndex property returns the index of the repository object icon.
Id The Id property determines an object identifier.
IsCheckedOut The IsCheckedOut property returns whether the object is locked for editing.
IsDeferred The IsDeferred property returns whether the object uses deferred description loading.
IsEdited The IsEdited property returns whether the object description was edited.
IsInternal The IsInternal property returns whether the object is the internal repository object.
IsLink The IsLink property returns whether this object is in another repository.
IsPermanent The IsPermanent property returns whether the repository object is permanent.
IsShared The IsShared property returns whether the object is present in the version control system.
IsSharingSupported The IsSharingSupported property returns whether it is possible to add the object to the version control system.
IsShortcut The IsShortcut property returns whether this object is a shortcut to other repository object.
IsSpecial The IsSpecial property determines whether the object belongs to special repository objects.
Key The Key property returns the object key.
Link The Link property determines a connection of this object with the object that has the Repository Connection type.
LocalCheckedOutFileNames The LocalCheckedOutFileNames property returns the string array containing a list of local files that store changed object data.
LocalFileName The LocalFileName property returns a name that is used to form names of the local files, in which the object data are stored.
LocalFileNames The LocalFileNames property returns the string array that contains a list of the local files, in which the object data is stored.
LocalFolderName The LocalFolderName property returns the path to the folder on the drive, which stores local files of the object added to the version control system.
Metabase The Metabase property returns the repository where the current object is created.
Name The Name property determines a name of the object for the current repository language.
Names The Names property returns the collection of the object names for different languages.
Namespace_ The Namespace_ property returns the description of the container object, which stores the current object.
OriginalMetabase The OriginalMetabase property returns identifier of the original repository.
Params The Params property returns the collection of repository object parameters.
Parent The Parent property returns the description of the owner object.
ParentAllowed The ParentAllowed property returns whether the current object can be set as a child object for the specified object.
Screenshot The Screenshot property determines the image used on previewing repository object.
SecurityDescriptor The SecurityDescriptor property returns the control parameters of access to the current object.
Shortcut The Shortcut property determines description of the object, to which the shortcut refers.
SourceParams The SourceParams property returns the collection of parameters of the object, to which this object refers.
Timestamp The Timestamp property returns the date and time of the last saving of the repository object.
TrackElementDependencies The TrackElementDependencies property indicates whether the object dependencies on the MDM dictionary elements are tracked.
TrackElementDependents The TrackElementDependents property determines whether the objects that depend on the current object elements are tracked.
VcsFileName The VcsFileName property returns the name that is used to build names of the files, in which the object data is stored, on the version control server.
VcsFolderName The VcsFolderName property returns the path to the folder on the version control server, in which the object files added to the version control system are stored.
Version The Version property returns object version.
VersionChangedLocaly The VersionChangedLocaly property returns whether there are local object changes.


  Method name Brief description
Assign The Assign method copies data from a source.
CreateUpdateExParams The CreateUpdateExParams method creates parameters of update of an object.
FlushInstance The FlushInstance method flushes cached data of an object by specified parameter values.
FlushInstances The FlushInstances method flushes cached data of an object.
GetExtensionDispatch The GetExtensionDispatch method performs conversion to common object form, from which it is possible to move to the required object class.
GetModelDispatch The GetModelDispatch method converts the object's structure to the common form and returns the obtained structure.
GetXml The GetXml method returns the internal representation of the repository object as the XML.
InitControlledParams The InitControlledParams method calculates the expressions of the nested object parameters management.
Save The Save method saves changes in the structure of an object.

Methods inherited from IMetabaseObjectDescriptor

  Method name Brief description
Bind The Bind method returns the object, to which the given description corresponds.
CheckAndAudit The CheckAndAudit method checks access permissions of the current user for the specified operations and writes the record into the access protocol with the specified comment.
CheckAndAuditLabel The CheckAndAuditLabel method checks access permissions of the current user for the specified operations and writes the record into the access protocol with the specified comment and also calculates parameters of the security label that is used when printing and exporting repository objects.
CheckAndAuditOperation The CheckAndAuditOperation method checks access permissions of the current user for the specified operations and logs the result in accordance with the chosen audit option.
CheckAndAuditOperationLabel The CheckAndAuditOperationLabel method checks access permissions of the current user to execute the specified operations and logs check result according to the selected audit option and calculates parameters of security label used on printing and exporting repository objects.
CheckIn The CheckIn method removes a lock for editing from object.
CheckInEx The CheckInEx method publishes object changes.
CheckOut The CheckOut method locks object for editing.
Edit The Edit method opens object for edit.
EditDescriptor The EditDescriptor method edits object description.
EditTemporary The EditTemporary method opens the object for temporary change of properties.
FetchChildren The FetchChildren method returns the collection of descriptions of the child objects taking into account the objects with deferred description loading.
FetchDependencies The FetchDependencies method returns the collection of descriptions of the objects, on which the given object depends, taking into account the objects with deferred description loading.
FetchDependents The FetchDependents method returns the collection of descriptions of the objects that depend on the given object, taking into account the objects with deferred description loading.
FindNext The FindNext method searches for the next object that satisfies the search conditions.
GetChangesHistory The GetChangesHistory method returns the collection of access protocol records containing information about actions with objects during the specified period of time.
GetCheckOutInfo The GetCheckOutInfo method returns information about object lockings.
GetDeniedAccess The GetDeniedAccess method checks if the specified security subject has active restrictions to execute operations with the current object.
GetExternalOpenXml The GetExternalOpenXml method generates the XML structure containing parameters for opening object.
GetHistory The GetHistory method returns the history of object changes.
GetLatestVCS The GetLatestVCS method gets information about the object from the version control system and in accordance with it updates the object in the repository.
GetSecurity The GetSecurity method gets the object access policy.
HasAccess The HasAccess method checks if the current user has permissions to execute specific operations with object.
HasChildren The HasChildren method returns whether the current objects have child objects.
HistoryVCS The HistoryVCS method opens a dialog box to view object publications history in the version control system.
IsCheckedOut The IsCheckedOut method returns whether the object is locked for editing.
LoadChildScreenshots The LoadChildScreenshots method caches images used on preview for all child objects.
MoveTo The MoveTo method moves one repository object into another.
Open The Open method opens the object and returns its data.
OpenWithParam The OpenWithParam method opens the object with one parameter and returns its data.
SaveDescriptor The SaveDescriptor method saves object description changes.
SetIdNoCheck The SetIdNoCheck method changes object identifier without checking it against the specified format of identifiers.
Share The Share method puts the object into the version control system.
UndoCheckOut The UndoCheckOut method undoes changes and unlocks the object.
UndoCheckOutEx The UndoCheckOutEx method undoes changes and returns the previous version of the object.
UnShare The method is under development.
UpdateTimestamp The UpdateTimestamp method updates timestamp of dictionary.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces