About Data Entry Form API

This section contains description of the API used for working with the Interactive Data Entry Forms extension. API extends functionality of data entry forms due to creating custom macros that will be used on working with sheets and table areas.

Connecting Assemblies

To use data entry form API, first install the Interactive Data Entry Forms extension. After the extension is installed, the Components folder is created in the repository root folder containing the data entry form component with the following contents:

Data entry form API can be used on creating macros that will be further connected to custom buttons. Create an application unit and add links to the following assemblies from the data entry forms:

After this, the application unit contains classes, interfaces and enumerations presented in the description.

As data entry forms depend on the Designer of Business Applications component, in specific cases one may require to connect assemblies included in this component. For example, some basic interfaces and classes are contained in the Basic Classes unit (the UNIT_BASE_CLASSES identifier).

Application Macro Structure

The application macro must be implemented in the global namespace and must have the following signature:

Sub <Name> (<Param>: IPrxReport);

End Sub;


Function <Name> (<Param>: IPrxReport): <result type>;

End Function;

Clicking the custom button in the procedure/function parameter gives access to the regular report linked to the data entry form. This report must be passed to the DataEntryForm.CreateByReport constructor to create an instance of the data entry form and to work with it in the application code. Cast the obtained instance of data entry form to the IDataEntryForm interface for further work with it. After finishing the work, to save changes, call on of the available Save* methods of the IDataEntryForm interface. After finishing work with the application macro, call the IDataEntryForm._Dispose method to free resources.

See also:

Data Entry Forms. Kernel