Working with Ready Business Application

On working with ready business application in web interface, users work with configured information objects of Foresight Analytics Platform: data entry forms, dashboards, calculation algorithms, etc.

To enhance functionality of objects in the designer of business applications, connect plugins.

Open ready business application

Close business application

Main features of display and navigation settings:

To change display view of object list, use the View menu. Select the object display variant in the drop-down list:

NOTE. The View menu is displayed, if working area displays a list of objects and not selected object.
Thumbnails for icons of various sizes are set up in the Menu Structure section.

To increase working area and size of displayed graphic objects:

NOTE. The side menu can be absent, if corresponding setting of layout and formatting was selected on creating or setting up the application.
Ribbon is displayed, if the selected object is opened in working area and not the list of objects.

For a comfortable navigation and navigating by side menu items, even if it is closed, use navigation bar with breadcrumb:

NOTE. Navigation bar contains path from the start page to the menu or object item currently opened.

To change user password, click the button in the top right corner of designer of business applications main menu and select the Change Password item. After that, theChange Password dialog box opens. For details about password changing, see the Changing Password section.

To go to the help system, click the button in the top right corner of designer of business applications main menu and select the Help item. After that, the help system for Foresight products opens in a new window.

The example of work with a ready web application:

See also:

Building Business Application